Second meeting

I went to my second weight watchers meeting tonight. At weigh-in, i was praised for losing 10 pounds, given my 5 pound star and bookmark, and sent to the leader for a lecture on eating all my points. 🙂 I am having a hard time eating all i am supposed to. I am getting better, but I do not want to get to supper and not have enough points so i end up with points left over. The only day i made it to all my points was the day i ate ice cream. She tells me that if i am 1 or 2 points short, it is ok, but to try not to do it every day. The danger, of course, is your body adjusting to the lower food intake.

I really would like to lose weight faster. Well. part of me wants it fast; The rest wants it slow so my body has a better chance of adjusting and I will have a better chance of keeping it off. She tells me that in the first 3 weeks i might see more weight loss, but after that it should settle down to 2 pounds or 1% of weight each week. At 2 pounds a week, i will lose all i need to in about 10 years…… Sigh……. I am going to stick with the program. I don’t want to reset my metabolism down; i would not mind upping it.

Enjoyed the meeting, by the way….

I guess the only bad thing to report is that my right kidney aches too much of the time. I had intended to ask my GP about it today, but i woke with no ache and it did not ache all day and i thought it had passed. But tonight it is there again. It is a small ache, but it worries me. I am drinking lots of water and tonight i will be downing parsley tea. I have an appointment with my heart doctor tomorrow. I will ask her about it whether it is achy at the moment ar not.


  1. Mmmmmm … gold star. Happy gold star.

    Other than that, though – Listen to the Leader. Play by the rules. But what else do you expect me to say? I’m a conformist 🙂

    Hope the parsley works. Stressing the kidneys was a worry, pre procedure – I hope whatever it is is minor.

  2. congrats on the 10 pound weight loss!! i am really excited for you!!

    gawd these points. i say eat how you feel comfortable eating. they aren’t going to kick you out of weight watchers for your point deficit. and 2 pounds is only 1% of 200 pounds… i think you are still safe losing more than 2 pounds a week. sides if you are chomping on the raw/steamed/plain veggies which iirc are 0 points and filling up…i think that is far more important than points because nutritionally that is an excellent food choice. …that and point deficit…woo hoo…i would find it hard to be like…i have x points left…bad for me food is x points….chomp chomp

    plus the science of weight loss is so crazy
    calories in > calories burned = fat (weight gain)
    calories in

  3. blast it… part of my message got lost

    i was just going to say that as you exercise more and keep challenging yourself your metabolism will raise…and you might find yourself being able to eat more and not hurt your weight loss plan…