Aleah is now one year old

Aleah was born at exactly 12:30 as called by the doctor. He was actually suprised that it was exactly 12:30. Guess it doesn’t happen that often.

Don’t really have any major plans for today, birthday wise. We have a few things for her though, so she will get actual birthday presents on her birthday. Of course, at one year old, the whole birthday concept does not mean much.

The real ‘party’ for her is going to be this weekend. Both sets of grandparents are coming down and, weather permitting, we will be doing cooking on the grill and gifting of Aleah.

Personally I’m looking forward to some early bedtimes, as I’m sure Aleah will be skipping her daytime nap with so many people around.


Luke’s sister, Andrea is married to Fred. Recently Fred went to a doctor… not sure why… headaches maybe… it turned out to be serious… a tumor.

He is a vet so he went to the veterans hospital where here they removed all they could and tested it. It is cancer…. the most difficult kind to treat. They give him a year….

They are seeking treatment. Some alternative methods offer some hope, but… well… thought you should know….

Luke’s shoulder

Luke, in his stately pose, with the “sling” he is to wear for the next 3 weeks or so and the cooling wrap that hopefully he will be out if in a few days, came thru his shoulder surgery well. He is in no pain right now and they have him supplied with so much pain killer that i will be surprised if he ever hurts too much. The most interesting pain killer is one that feeds directly into the nerve bundle that takes care of his shoulder. It is a pump that actually leads into his skin (which i am to pull out in 3 days). I like the idea of putting the pain killer right where it is needed instead of doping up the whole body… only they dope up the whole body too.

The main repair they had to do was to the tissue where the tendon for his bicep connects at the shoulder. The doctor said it was torn and pulling away when he used the muscle and would have eventually torn loose completely. They put a metal clip into the bone (where it will stay). The clip will hold the tissue in place while it heals and he should be able to use his muscle normally. The second repair was to a bone that had broken on the tip and the little piece that broken had healed crooked so it had a rough edge that irritated the tissue around it. That he sanded down smooth.

The rotator cuff, which we thought had a small tear, was fine, with only minor wear around the edges. No repair was needed there.

There were also some bone spurs which the doctor was to take care of and hopefully did, though i cannot remember him mentioning them when he talked to me. Luke will ask when he goes in for his check-up in a few days.

He had the surgery done at a small surgical clinic/hospital. They seem to only have a dozen or so beds for in-patient – a very small unit. I liked it. They seem to be set up only for certain surgeries and that is all they do. As usual, when a place specializes, the do what they do well.


OK, so .. here I am. Back at last. Have been on travel for almost an entire month.

Left CO on June 9th to support Kevin in the Assault on Mitchell, which was on June 11 (a Monday). He rode strong, but they pulled time on him just as he entered the park gates (1-2 miles left in a 100+ mile ride). I went rock climbing at Chimney Rock, much fun.

Spent time with Kevin’s aunt and then his cousin; Kevin returned to CO on Wednesday. I spent the rest of the week in SC visiting with friend Beth. Thus ends the first week.

The second week I spent working in the Raleigh office. It was much fun, picked up lots of work and ate at lots of restaurants I missed. Thus ends the second week.

Next was a yearly IT conference, which I attended for the first time. Very useful, very good stuff happened there. Was in Rochester, NY; the hotel had problems (bedbugs, mice, that sort of thing) but the conference was wonderful. On Thursday, we had a field trip to Niagara Falls (Canadian side – I’ve now been outside of the country). Flew back to CO late Friday. Thus ends the third week.

Was back in CO for four days. Did laundry, cleaned house as I could, worked Monday & Tuesday, we flew out Wednesday for Kevin’s family’s annual 4th get together. There were about 50 people in attendance this year. Kevin & I spent some time at an area state park, had the family picnic on Saturday, flew back Sunday. Thus ends the fourth week and the travel, for a time anyway.

That is the totally abbreviated version. Some unlabeled pictures are at If anyone wants any further details about any of those trips, let me know. I’m always willing to talk more …


I have to post something so i can stop looking at “Earth vs the Spider” every time i check the board.

It is the 4th… it has been a pleasant day… rainy but pleasant. We birthday shopped for Aleah and ran several other shopping errands, including buying me another pair of thongs, black ones. I am so tired of the blue ones. I never intended to wear them and almost only them for so long. I wish i could find a pair of slip-on shoes (not thongs) that were comefortable… though not enough to go to every store or buy what i find in catalogs. I want it to be easy. 🙂

So… Ramona, post about your trip!!! I know you have had loads of free time since you got back… i mean it has been what… almost a whole week now? 🙂

Well… my goal was to have something besides the spider movie on top, so this should do it.

Happy 4th to all…..