Aleah is now one year old

Aleah was born at exactly 12:30 as called by the doctor. He was actually suprised that it was exactly 12:30. Guess it doesn’t happen that often.

Don’t really have any major plans for today, birthday wise. We have a few things for her though, so she will get actual birthday presents on her birthday. Of course, at one year old, the whole birthday concept does not mean much.

The real ‘party’ for her is going to be this weekend. Both sets of grandparents are coming down and, weather permitting, we will be doing cooking on the grill and gifting of Aleah.

Personally I’m looking forward to some early bedtimes, as I’m sure Aleah will be skipping her daytime nap with so many people around.

One comment

  1. One year old…… yesterday….. I was going to mail her a birthday card. Bought it in plenty of time. It is still sitting on my computer. Typical.

    Time flies so fast. I was watching her the last time i saw her and thinking how quickly she has grown. It is hard to believe she was a tiny (relatively speaking) baby only a year ago. Now she is running around, knowing what she wants and going for it, communicating….

    She is a delight.