Eleanor’s Wishlist 2018

Updated 12/7/2019

Her Amazon List (Current; mostly ideas/inspiration pieces)

Does it have Frozen on it?   How about sparkles?  OK, she’s in.   Frozen toothbrush?  Awesome.  Frozen switch plate?   100% thrilled.   Frozen wrapper for a loaf of bread?  I had to wait till she was asleep to throw it away.  Frozen Elsa Glitter Boots?  I think she would actually die.  Or she would die before ever taking them off; one or the other.  (please don’t get the boots; it’s not that cold in Texas and I don’t want to fight over boots every day until the next Frozen movie).

Any Day Now we’re going to get her that twin bed.   Theoretically, that will happen before Christmas, but it might happen between Christmas and New Years.   But it’s more or less now – and she has no twin sheet; no big girl bed stuff.

She likes puzzles and stickers and coloring and all manner of crafts (paint!  beads!  markers!), as long as something sparkles.   She is getting much better about putting lids on her markers, but she’s won that knowledge by drying out her first set of markers, which we haven’t yet replaced.   She is pretty well set on crayons, pencils, and chalk.   Seriously, we can do a walk through of Hobby Lobby and I can point out her top 100 “oh, look at…” items.  Or you could just go to the checkout stand and pick out whatever sparkled.

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