
Well i made it to the first goal, 25 pounds. I have my star refrigerator magnet with a big 25 on it.

It has not been an easy time this week, though. Partly it is because i reached 25. I have a bad tendency to get overconfident and let my guard down. I also feel like a little reward is deserved. And partly it is because of the Halloween candy. Luke picked it and bought it, which I appreciated. He picked a mixed bag of small candy, some hard and some chewy. That was not to tempting till i saw the imitation Worthers… Hard candy is not too bad. 5 pieces were 2 points. Unfortunately he also bought a bag of peanut butter cups. I stayed out of those darn things for a whole week. Then i reached 25, opened the bag, and ate 2. 2 cost 5 points. They were worth it. If we had only had 2 in the house it would have been better for me.

Now Halloween is over and Luke is taking what is left to work and out of temptations way. I should eat vegies for the rest of the week.

got beans?

hey guys…
ok i know chris and nelia have heard my coffee schpell…and luke too (“fourbuxs” does not make “flavored coffee”)

so now it is mostly ramona and kevin’s turn… 1lb a week free from “fourbuxs” as long as i am working. i will ship whole beans to you. but i need a little help… what is your pallette after? i can’t get kona or that coffee that the monkeys eat and poop and people think is mah-vel-ous

flavor: light, burnt (i.e. French Roast), acidy, floral
body: light, medium, bold (this is how it sits on your tongue…i.e. i want water v. a little weight)
acidity level
food paring: some coffees just really go good with a blueberry pastry, etc.

you can also look at
the official listing and descriptions.

if you are interested let me know. if nothing else you know one thing you will be getting for christmas if you let me know what you are after.
i can’t drink my allotment, it’s use it or lose it, and i would honestly rather share and give others the opportunity to try different stuff out.

Chrismas Eve Inspiration

I just had an idea for Christmas Eve. It’s early, yes, but tell me what you think of the idea.

I’m thinking that we randomly draw names, and then randomly match them to other holidays. (I have this system in mind for how to involve all three households in the random selection of all this). I have six of the other big holidays in mind – and for Christmas Eve, we have to give the person something for that other holiday.

What do you think? I think it would be challenging; you’d almost have to make something for some of them.

The six holidays I came up with (major holidays) are Valentines, Easter, St Patricks, 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving.

I was also thinking that instead (or in addition, hehe) we could do more obscure holidays that don’t have traditional gifts associated with them – Presidents day, Election Day, Columbus Day, or we could even do the really obscure ones (plenty of those).

Any opinions?

Another WW meeting

Sigh…. this time not so good…. which i don’t (and do) understand. I had good and bad days up till Tuesday so i figured they balanced out. Tuesday i ate something that disagreed with me big time… turned my bowels to caustic liquid and gave me the most massive painful gas i have ever had. Wednesday i ate very little; I still hurt. Thurdsay i took myself to the doctor because i still hurt, though not as much (She is sending me for the colonostomy she has tried to send me for before… said I’m probably just sore from distention, but i need a colonostomy anyway.) Today i had a half cup of ceriel and milk in the morning (she also told me no dairy for a few days) and a little left-over squash for lunch.

So I figured i would have lost something. I lost nothing!! Not an ounce!!! (not that they count ounces). What is the point of being sick, I would like to know, if you don’t lose weight?!?!?!?

The reason i do understand not losing it is that i am bloated…. that time of the (every 3 or 4 now) month(s).

Maybe next week i will have lost another 5.


I like that diet Chris… another way of giving yourself permission to have the foods you should avoid so you don’t obsess over them.

Weight Watcher Report

Another meeting, and another 5 pounds!! Woopeee!! I have undereaten a little this week. I wanted this 5 pounds for some reason. I need to back off though and take 2 weeks for the next 5.

There was one thing i found humorous at this meeting. We were talking about making goals and how to reach them. One woman said that she was gong to keep track of her points all 6 1/2 days. The leader corrected her, 7 days. No, several replied, 6 1/2, then gleefully added, “if you come to the meeting Thursday night is FREEEEE!” (which is about what i decided last week. I decided to give myself one evening off, Thursday after the meeting. I am eating what i usually eat, not pigging out on goodies, but i am not measuring and counting up the points. I will start again on Friday morning.)


Yesterday i had to go into houston and got caught in some bad bad rush hour traffic coming home. I was near the Sams, so i decided to go in and check on their televisions and ride one of their excellent little carts around the store for a while. It was fun. I am so seldom in the mood to shop and did not realize i was in the mood then, but i found myself enjoying looking at almost everything in the store. Funny thing is that i kept thinking to myself as i looked at the food, “I don’t eat that any more,” and being pleased with myself about it. I did not even bother with the candy isle and i always look at the candy, especially right before halloween. When i looked at the clothes, i would think, “one day soon i will be able to buy my clothes here.”

But tonight I am going nuts. I want something sweet. I want cookies. Last week i had a bag if gingersnaps because they are a low point cookie. Perhaps i should keep them around for times like this. But if i had them tonight… i don’t know…. Maybe it is better than i don’t.


My goldfish was sick – had been laying on the bottom of the tank without moving for days (3 days?). Upon changing the water I looked at him closely, and found that he was all puffed out on one side, it was really scary looking.

I was going to euthanize him.

Looked online. Webpages said goldfish often get constipated, especially when eating protein heavy flakes and nothing else. They said to add epsom salts to the water.

Weirdest remedy for a fish. But since I thought he was dead anyway, I spent the 60 cents – or whatever it was – for epsom salts. Added just a few grains.

Within a few hours he was moving. Today, 24 hours into treatment, he’s swimming around and happy, swelling almost gone.

I am putting my goldfish in salt water. And it is making him happy.

Weirdest, cheapest, most effective fish treatment I’ve ever, ever used.

The TV dilemma

We went to the store again and found a great price again and did not buy again. Sigh….. I do not know whether to be glad we did not buy or not. There was only one of the less expensive one and i know it will not be there when we go back.

The dilemma is this: Soon, from 6 months to 6 years, depending on who is predicting, all television signals will be digital. If i got an analog television new, which is what i can afford, i would be buying old technology right before the shift to the new. The television i was looking at has HDMI input, but i am not sure if it is for DVD’s and the like or if it would also change the digital television signal to analog. If it did not, i would have to buy a box to do that. I do not want another thing to plug wires into and if you consider the $100 or so that i would be spending on the box, the analog tv price goes up. Do i really want to spend $400 plus a possible $100 for old technology? or should we just get the digital tv and be done with it. There was a well rated Sony digital tv, flat screen, tube type (not thin) on sale for $625. It’s regular price is close to $800. Of course by the time we’ll go back to buy it, it will not be on sale.

Add, also, the price of updating our antenna, no matter which television we get, and the cable to go from antenna to tv. I think an antenna will run us about $130 and the cable, who knows.

So give me input. I cannot easily buy the higher priced one and would have to have to wait till it is on a good sale again anyway, so guess i have time to think. I do not actually need a television. I am moving my little sewing room tv in the living room tomorrow. The big television rolls and jerks around so much i can’t watch it. Even catching it out of the corner of my eye is not good. I need to replace my little one too. The VCR no longer works and it will not accept the signal from an exterior VCR or DVD. When i am sewing during the day I need to be able to watch something besides what is in tv. Maybe i will use the little one somewhere else.

Weight watchers again

I went to weight watchers again Thursday. It had been 2 weeks because of the hurricane. I wanted to have lost 6 pounds but i lost not quite 4. It was good enough to get me another 5 pounds star. I have been thinking of where to put my stars. I got a bookmark for my first 5 pounds. I would rather have a star. Perhaps i should put my stars on my bookmark. When i reach 25 pounds i will get a refrigerator magnet. That will be good.

I am learning that weekends are much harder than weekdays. I think several factors are involved. I am trying to figure out how to counter those factors, but maybe i will just have to accept that weekends are not going to go so well and make up for them on weekdays.