got beans?

hey guys…
ok i know chris and nelia have heard my coffee schpell…and luke too (“fourbuxs” does not make “flavored coffee”)

so now it is mostly ramona and kevin’s turn… 1lb a week free from “fourbuxs” as long as i am working. i will ship whole beans to you. but i need a little help… what is your pallette after? i can’t get kona or that coffee that the monkeys eat and poop and people think is mah-vel-ous

flavor: light, burnt (i.e. French Roast), acidy, floral
body: light, medium, bold (this is how it sits on your tongue…i.e. i want water v. a little weight)
acidity level
food paring: some coffees just really go good with a blueberry pastry, etc.

you can also look at
the official listing and descriptions.

if you are interested let me know. if nothing else you know one thing you will be getting for christmas if you let me know what you are after.
i can’t drink my allotment, it’s use it or lose it, and i would honestly rather share and give others the opportunity to try different stuff out.


  1. For Kevin’s sake, I’ll do what I can to help out 🙂

    This is very generous of you, by the way. Thank you.

    I don’t have a coffee palette at present. So not much help there. I was stunned when I discovered the green tea lemonade, since I never thought I’d have reason to go to a Starbucks. When Kevin and I go to coffee shops after shows, I get steamed milk (mmmm) So no help on the Ramona front.

    For Kevin, I’m not entirely sure. He’s not here now; when he gets here I’ll ask him. I do know that he does not like French Roast and everything on that side of the flavor scale. We generally get a grocery store coffee brick, but he doesn’t have one out to clue me in.

    No flavored coffee, eh? Not a problem, we have Southern Seasons here that does the flavored coffee route.

    That was spectacularly unhelpful. I am astonished.

    When he gets in, I’ll get a better answer for you.

  2. you what know really sucks…we don’t have the green tea lemonade
    our warehouse is out and they are having trouble keeping supply…and don’t know if it will return. it was one of my first recommends when i was hanging out there and looking for something not coffee oriented. i really enjoyed it. have lemonade…but green tea juice is the issue

    i am angry and bitter…very angry and bitter. it was excellent.
    however, the passion tea lemonade is nummy goodness…a close 2nd but not equal imho

    also the chai latte is good (no coffee, it’s spice tea and milk) and the strawberries and creme frappicino (like a strawberry milkshake)
    or a vanilla bean creme frappicino…they also have a green tea blended creme that i have not had, but it might be good. if you look at the frappicino menu…at the bottom you will see “blended creme” drinks, no coffee in there

    there is also the goodness of hot cider, regular and caramel (yummay)
    ohhh yeah…if you are into a chocolate mood…you can probably get a peppermint hot chocolate…or have them add a squirt of gingerbread flavor

    chris adds that the chantico chocolate drink is good…rich, like a melted chocolate bar in a cup.

    i can also get tea for you…but i would just assume pay for it and order off adagio…soooo much better

  3. if you were here…i know what i would try to make you…

    a pumpkin spice latte…my style w/o the extra shots i would add, i would probably put less shots then prescribed and milk it up for you instead…and i would also less pumpkin flavor (it’s too sweet for me full go)
    it would be enough to give you the flavor, but not the OMG coffee that a non coffee person would gross out on

    oh and you are not the only person to come in a request a steamed milk…it is more popular than you would think

  4. OK; now I am speaking for Kevin. He looked over the Official Listings and Descriptions – after being aghast at the amount; 1 lb per week? he was sure I was remembering it wrong – and picked out a few. These are the ones that seem interesting, you can probably recommend stuff from here.

    The ones that struck his fancy (in no particular order) : Colombia Nariño Supremo, Arabian Mocha Sanani (or probably any of the Africa/Arabia types), Komodo Dragon Blend (not decaf; Kevin likes full caffeination), Sumatra, Gulf Coast Blend. Yukon Blend, probably – though coffee doesn’t grow in the Yukon. What were they thinking? Perhaps the Italian Roast. Perhaps. Would probably try a cup then think on it. House Blend is always good. Shade Grown and Organic are always pluses (coffee evolved as a shade plant – not only is shade grown environmentally sensible, it’s just better coffee. This is me editorializing. I’ll give it back to Kevin now.)

    So will you be trying all of these that you get till you’ve tried them all? I figure that’s the purpose behind the giveaways, to give all of you very literate palettes. That, and to make you and all you know completely addicted to coffee.

    So – as you see, he’s pretty much up for anything. And with your Starbucking expertise, you can direct him the way he ought to go.

    I agree for the most part on teas. Hope the green tea one comes back. Maybe I should go to my store and fill out comment cards 🙂

    So frappicino doesn’t necessarily have coffee in it? I thought they’d be somehow coffee based. Hmm.. Something to consider.

    It sounds like you are having fun. I am so glad.

  5. part of the free coffee is that they want us to deveop a palette
    (i am supposed to sample EVERYTHING on that list, including all decafs in the first 90 days-so that i may be addicted for life, er knowledgeable), but it is also a way for us to share coffee with our friends and family too.

    I have tried the Sumatra…yummay very rich flavor…i even have beans at the house in that variety (unopened)
    I too have an interest in the Komodo Dragon, I am actually going to ask to Sample it tomorrow, because I would like to know what it tastes like. I did grind some today, smelled good.

    frappicinos in and of themselves are coffee based, but they have this “blended creme” frappicino…those are all not coffee based. the key is blended creme in the name. confusing?

    oh and absolutely fill out a comment card…they really do care about what the customers want. that is how many of the items came to be regular menu items instead of custom drinks.

    ok let me see what I can get going here…and coffee will be coming soon