
Well i made it to the first goal, 25 pounds. I have my star refrigerator magnet with a big 25 on it.

It has not been an easy time this week, though. Partly it is because i reached 25. I have a bad tendency to get overconfident and let my guard down. I also feel like a little reward is deserved. And partly it is because of the Halloween candy. Luke picked it and bought it, which I appreciated. He picked a mixed bag of small candy, some hard and some chewy. That was not to tempting till i saw the imitation Worthers… Hard candy is not too bad. 5 pieces were 2 points. Unfortunately he also bought a bag of peanut butter cups. I stayed out of those darn things for a whole week. Then i reached 25, opened the bag, and ate 2. 2 cost 5 points. They were worth it. If we had only had 2 in the house it would have been better for me.

Now Halloween is over and Luke is taking what is left to work and out of temptations way. I should eat vegies for the rest of the week.



    don’t feel too guilty about the candy. it’s ok to have it every once in a while.

    but you can stand to eat 5 Werther’s…after 5 I am ready to throw out the bag

  2. Congratulations on getting the magnet. There is something wonderful about the first one.

    Perhaps to stay motivated you can clear a space on the refrigerator (or whereever you are keeping the magnet) for the first five – so you will see the new goal clearly. Or something.

    So – did you stop eating the peanut butter cups after having 2? That is a good thing. Having them out of the house is a good thing too 🙂

    One major food holiday down – two to go (trying to point to the new goals, not minimizing this one – sounds like you did really well and that’s great)