
At last i have a goal deadline. I went to my doctor today. I have a weird spot growing on my belly, so i went to have it looked at. She told me it is benign and common, and was surprised that. at my age i do not have more of them. She did say it was unusual to have it on on my belly, though. It is more common on the upper body and face. As a matter of fact, Luke had the same thing on his face years ago. The dermatologist just shaved it off and it never came back. It did not even bleed when he shaved it. I wonder if I could shave this thing off….. Luke’s was dark and this one i have is skin colored, but she said that they come in all shades.
Anyway, the motivation. I am past due for a well woman check, so i made an appointment to have that done. I took the first available appointment which is in exactly one month. I found myself wanting to weigh in at less next month. My drs are all very pleased with me. So it is a marker… a near goal. That is good.

We also talked about the fact that if i lose very much more i am going to need a body lift. My dr did point out, in doctor fashion, that hanging skin is healthier than fat. But she gave me the name of her most favorite plastic surgeon and said that i should make an appointment for a consultation and find out what he thinks i will need, and what he thinks will be most important, and how much it will cost. I think that is added motivation. Once i go to that doctor, the plan is more real…

Honey Nut Cheerios

I don’t know about there, but here the boxes of Honey Nut Cheerios are currenly coming with 3D (red/blue) cut out “glasses”

If you happen to buy this cereal, or if you happen to already have 3D glasses, you should go check out this USGS page –

This is one of those pages I’d marked as potentially interesting, but then revisited it when I got my Cheerios glasses. Some of the pictures are so-so, but some (the Delicate Arch in Arches National Park comes to mind) are really cool.

Thought I’d let everyone else know … and I don’t mind hawking Cheerios .. if it were cocoa crispies or something, that would be different..

Grail ps

OK; will try to keep this one a -bit- shorter than previous ones.

Grailing has six different powders – yeast, barley, tea, mushrooms, kelp, and the hoxsey blend. Right now I’m mixing them in all different combinations so that he gets two different ones at each meal, hopefully covering all six of them in the day. He’s supposed to get some of all of them each day.

It would be much easier for delivery purposes if I could mix up all six into a day’s powder mix. I could do up a week or more at a time, and then I’d just have to pour powder onto the food, without having to mess with capsules and remembering which are the whole capsule, which are the half capsule, which are 1/2 tsp and 1/4 tsp and etc. The chart helps A Lot but if I could do this up a week in advance, that would help even more. Specifically, it would help Kevin. (Kevin is good about following the chart, but easier would be better).

I’m having trouble figuring out how to store this powder mix, though. I’ve thought of those 7 day pill dispensers, which is the right concept, but the little slots are generally small rectangles that don’t lend themselves to spoons or to pouring little bits at a time out of them.

Does anyone have any other ideas for storage and delivery? All told, it would be about a tablespoon’s worth of powder for a day, maybe a little less.

Another neat addition

When you login the default action is to take you to the ‘dashboard’, a place that lets you get a quick overview of things.  Mother wanted that to drop you back to the front-page instead.  I haven’t found a way to do that; however, I did figure out how to have it re-direct you to the place you likely want to go: the make a post page.

I’m not sure if I’m going to keep this addition or not.  We’ll see how useful it is and if ya’ll like it or not


I just read the posts in answer to my last post. It seems like i check this site often for new entries and replies, especially when i look and find nothing new time after time, and then i will come on and find many posts that i have not read.

I really appreciate your encouragement. It makes me feel a little teary. 🙂 I feel so fortunate to have kids like you….. You are lights in the dark for me at times….. and you make me feel so loved…….

So far as the swimming ins concerned…. I got away from swimming during Christmas. There was the time factor, but more than that, there was the cold factor. I get colder these days. I cannot see how it could be because i am losing insulation because i have not lost enough to make any difference in the insulating factor. Perhaps it is that i burn less fuel… or maybe i am just getting older… who knows.

Anyway, the cold is still a factor. There was also a problem with my swimsuit. It was too big. 🙂 The bottom would fill with water and swoosh as i moved. 🙂 and the straps spent as much time falling off as they did staying on my shoulders. Not that that kept me from swimming, but it was a frustration.

I now have a new suit which is a tad too small. Not enough too small to bind, but snug enough that it will fit better in 10 pounds or so. It makes me feel slimmer, somehow, even though it is a louder color: purple as opposed to my old blue to turquoise. I bought it on ebay. I got such a good deal! New price is $80…. I paid $12.50 plus shipping, to make it $20. (Very pleased with myself.)

As for the difficulty level of what i do – I stopped going to the class a long time back. There is a class that is too easy and a class that is too frustrating… frustrating because they play music that is too loud and the right speed for aerobics on land, but impossible to keep pace with in the water. If it were not so loud, perhaps i could tune it out and move at my own speed without becoming cross. I could do what most do and just abbreviate my motions so i could keep pace, but that irritates me too. Now there is a deep water class that is perfect for me. Unfortunately it meets on Monday at 6PM, and Tuesday and Wednesday at 7PM. The times are bad for me. I have attended once, and will attend again, but mostly what that class is good for it teaching me a different exercise to add.

I go in at a time when there is no class. I have a stretching routine from that joint flex and movement class i used to go to. What i do is a little faster than the class used to do, but i do need that range of motion stuff. Then i head to the deep where i jog and walk and whatnot. I do need to add swimming. There for a while i was swimming and i worked my way up to, i think, 4 laps. Now these laps are not swimming like one would think of swimming 🙂 but they did tire me. I got away from that in the summer when the kids were in the pool so much… and then there was the swim suit factor. 🙂 Ever tried swimming in a suit that slips off the shoulders and tends to bag in the rear with water?

I also need to expand into land classes. There is a yoga class and a palates class intended for beginners and i have heard that they really are at beginner level. I have also thought that i should train on the aerobic machines. I would not want to do any that stress my knees and that may be most of them, but i should find out before i write them off entirely.

And i need to walk….. I don’t know why i don’t…. I like walking… I am not up to walking very much yet. In another 50 pounds i should be able to walk seriously. But i think i am up to an evening stroll up and down the block like we used to do with Sam in the evenings. I can even get my shoes on these days! 🙂 I can fit into some shoes that i have not been able to wear on years. Mind you, they are not comfortable yet, but in a pinch (appropriate word) I can wear them. A few months ago i literally could not get them on my left foot.

So far as the surgery is concerned…… I do need to find out what we are looking at in terms of money. I have thought that i could ask you, Ramona, to pay for surgery instead of Hawaii, but i am not willing to give up Hawaii. Carrie made a suggestion that i toy with…. She said that i should pay for what i could, finance the rest, and get a job to pay it off…. pointing out that when i am slimmer I can work. It just pains me to think of spending so much for something that i should not even need. And i am reminded of something Luke said when i first started this venture. He said he would rather pay for reconstructive surgery than hospitalization for a stroke or heart attack. I need to remember those things………

I wish i had posted all this with the WW post. Then I could have the record for longest post. Perhaps i can have the record for most posted in the middle of the same night. 🙂
I love you guys…….


I am still struggling….. This is the danger time for me and any diet. I have lost enough that i feel good; probably my fat cells are feeling deprived and my body is crying out for food, preferably carbs; and I am not as diligent because it has gotten routine and, thus, boring, and because I am confident that i can and will do it so I don’t keep myself focused.

I had a small gain this week.

On the plus side, I am still determined. Usually by this time in the struggle, i have given up. This time i am not giving up. I am falling, but i am getting back up and starting again. It does not hurt that i bought the $150 plan… Pay $150 up front and they cut the cost of meetings from $12 a week to $9.something… And, in addition to the savings, there is the benefit is that, having paid $150 up front, i am almost compelled to go to the meetings.
Tonight at Weight Watchers i received the coveted 16 week award. Seems that stastically 16 weeks is the marker that means you are going to make it. Most people who stick it out for 16 weeks keep at it till they reach their weight goal.

I don’t know what my weight goal is. I try very hard to let myself wallow in “what if’s”
and not think “I wish i had done this 20 years ago,” not so much because i would have had so many more good years, and would never have gotten this fat, but more because 20 years ago my skin would have shrunk down and adjusted to a smaller body. I need to find out what a full body lift would cost before i set a weight goal. Right now i have to get my belly fixed. There is no way i can go thru life with this droopy belly… but i wonder, at what point am i agoing to have the same droopy skin hanging in folds on my back, my butt, my thighs, my upper arms… Actually, if i got down to somewhere between 200 and 250 and my skin was not yet hanging in folds, perhaps i should stop, get the belly fixed, and just plan on being that much overweight for the rest of my life. I don’t know… I wish i could say 150 is my goal…. but i would rather be fat than have my skin hanging.

What is it they say…. Perhaps the purpose of my life is to serve as a warning to others? 🙂

Neat addition of the day

Mother had been asking about creating an easier way of creating posts on the site, so I’ve created a nice easy ‘make a post’ link on the right side of the front page.  All you need to do is click the link and you’ll be taken strait to the ‘Write Post’ pagee.

Of course, you need to be logged in to be able to see the link.  If you are not logged in, you don’t see anything.

green tea

This is pretty much just for Christina.

Christina.   I’m supposed to be feeding Grailing green tea.  Straight up, not steeped.   Though the nutritionist said that it was good for me, too, and if I wanted to simply brew a cup and share it with Grail, that would be justifiable but not nearly as good for him.

Well.   I want it to be a good green tea, one I can trust not to have anything not-tea in it, so I thought I’d go to Adagio.   I did .. and man, are there a lot of green teas.

Well, you’ve tasted them.   Which one – or ones – would you recommend as being smoothest, mildest .. or, as I’m really asking, which one would a cat like to eat, unbrewed?   This will be mixed with a whole host of other powders, mind you.

The Adagio pictures show a full leaf.  It’s not sent that way, is it?   I know the herbal teas have readily identifiable herbal bits in them.   But for the tea, it’s all chopped up like tea, yes?

On reading their descriptions, I’m looking at: Dragonwell, green anji, green pekoe, gyokuro, sencha overture, or sencha premier.

Any suggestions?   Have you had any of those?  Do your cats  like any of those?

Thanks –

more nutritionist news

Another meeting with the nutritionist.    Spent two hours asking questions … at least I was slightly organized.  I used a LOT of her time, but I tried not to waste it.

End result, I’ve added two more supplements to the mix (one is on order), have more specific dosage instructions for all the current supplements, feel much better about all the things listed in the holistic additional literature that I’m not feeding him, and I now have a weekly schedule of food and supplements.   That will make things So Much Easier.

The new supplement is the mushroom mix.  It has 2x of Reishi mushroom, and 1x each of Shitake and Maitake mushrooms.  It also has ginsing, one of the recommended supplements that I hadn’t covered before but will be now.  The one on order is the hoxsey formula.  You can just look it up online.  It is either The Cure For Cancer or total malarky, depending on which website you visit.

At this point, if malarky worked, I’d buy it and just hope it came in a powder.   I have “Easy Sell” stamped on my forehead, and I start all my conversations with “Hello, Mr. Vet, please take my money.”

I am so happy with my vet (Dr. Munn), by the way.   He is a great, great vet and I am So Very Very Happy he took over the practice.  I am also so Very Happy  with my nutritionist (Dr. Alley), who took 2 hours with me and never made me feel rushed or like I was asking too many questions, even though it was the end of the day and there were other clients waiting (probably backed up) (my apologies to the other clients).  I should write something up and mail it to them both.

Anyway, just keeping you guys updated.   When I have my feeding schedule, I’ll e-mail it to you two (Mom & Christina).  Don’t want to challenge my long post record.    Oh, and Christina – for urinary tract issues, the key thing is hydration.  That’s the biggest reason for moist food.  You can also add water to the moist food (I do).   The vet had some vet school mnemonic for that too, which I’ve forgotten; it was something like ‘for concentration, try hydration’

The book I got from the vet library also says some of the following:

*Must add more liquid

*Vitamen C, E, and Fish Oil.   Don’t know about Vitamen C.  My Vitamen E is 400 (unit), and I’m giving him 2/week – so dosage is an issue there.  The fish oil is 1/day (of course.  It’s much more expensive).
*Carrot juice (Grailing like his) and/or tomato juice

Anyway, there’s a lot more in there but I sure don’t want to be handing out nutritional advice!!

The Gun Range

A friend and I went to a gun range recently. We figured it would be a good, relaxing thing to do. He’s in the process of figuring out what kind of weapon he would like to get for a concealed handgun license. I was there to put holes in paper. Well, and to see if I could actually hit anything. I don’t go shooting often.

One thing we did do to make it fun was pay the extra cash to rent an excessive five-shot revolver. The rounds we used were hollow points; we decided that was to ensure the round stayed in the shooting range.

The Gun, Blurry Style

Take a look at these pictures…. and keep in mind the spent shells laying around near the weapon are from the 9mm we just finished shooting. The 9mm help for scale, and I appologize for the blurry shots. They were taken with our older camera, without flash and without decent camera taking lighting.

Blurry picture of gun in hand