
At last i have a goal deadline. I went to my doctor today. I have a weird spot growing on my belly, so i went to have it looked at. She told me it is benign and common, and was surprised that. at my age i do not have more of them. She did say it was unusual to have it on on my belly, though. It is more common on the upper body and face. As a matter of fact, Luke had the same thing on his face years ago. The dermatologist just shaved it off and it never came back. It did not even bleed when he shaved it. I wonder if I could shave this thing off….. Luke’s was dark and this one i have is skin colored, but she said that they come in all shades.
Anyway, the motivation. I am past due for a well woman check, so i made an appointment to have that done. I took the first available appointment which is in exactly one month. I found myself wanting to weigh in at less next month. My drs are all very pleased with me. So it is a marker… a near goal. That is good.

We also talked about the fact that if i lose very much more i am going to need a body lift. My dr did point out, in doctor fashion, that hanging skin is healthier than fat. But she gave me the name of her most favorite plastic surgeon and said that i should make an appointment for a consultation and find out what he thinks i will need, and what he thinks will be most important, and how much it will cost. I think that is added motivation. Once i go to that doctor, the plan is more real…

One comment

  1. Fantastic! All very happy!

    Well, except for the whole weird but benign spot. Weird spots are always a tad disquieting. Anyway, hope it shaves off or whatever you’re doing to it.

    But still, I am very glad that there’s a near goal. You sound much more focused then you have in the last 2-3 messages, and I like the new tone. I’m also very interested in when you have your consultation with the plastic surgeon, and what he has to say about procedures and costs and all that. All the details, gory or otherwise.