Black and White treatment

These are two pictures that I took and converted into black and white.

First, here is a picture of one of the many cousins. I think that the original is a decent shot. The colors are nice. But I didn’t think it brought focus to her expression well enough. Converting it to B&W emphasizes that she is the center of the picture. I’m taking advantage of her shirt being the lightest element in the picture to draw attention and once your eyes are there they should naturally migrate north looking for something more interesting to look at: her face. I also feel the B&W version shows off her expression better than the color version.

I am so bored I am so bored B&W 

Next we have Aleah looking out the window. The color version isn’t that interesting to me. Aleah looks a bit dulled out in the shot with more interesting/bright detail being out the front door. I suppose that could make one think of the outdoors being more interesting than indoors… but I’m not that artsy. Now, when I shot the picture I was thinking about making it into B&W later. In the B&W, I think Aleah has more of the picture’s ‘focus’. She is the point making a contrast from the dark indoors and the light outdoors. I’ve also seen this style of shot done in the past and I like the effect.

Front Door Front Door B&W 


Stainless Steel Drinkware

With some of the recent news about plastics containing various chemicals that aren’t the kind of thing people should be consuming, Christina went on the hunt for options. Turns out one of the safest drink containers is stainless steel. Doesn’t leach chemicals, isn’t made out of funny chemicals, and it lasts.

After some looking and thinking, she decided on kleankanteen as the best option. A bit more looking and she found them for a decent price at The prices there seem to be reasonable and a bit cheaper than some other places.

We bought three of the 27oz bottles. Christina likes the sports top (easy to suck water out of); I went for a flat top screw on lid. I like the style, even if I can’t drink in a moving vehicle without taking a quick bath. We also bought their small version with a sippy-cup top for Aleah. It works well and it came with a sports top for later.

The shipping was reasonably fast (we used USPS, as UPS doesn’t do well by us out here) and we would buy from them again.

Rating a music library

I won’t say that I have the largest library around. I do have, however, more music in my library that I have not heard than I have. This is true due to the austin music festival South By Southwest. Each year they put a song or two from nearly every artist that is going to be playing on their website for public download/preview. I’ve downloaded every such song from the past three years. I’ve also downloaded the entire music library on OCRemix, a site dedicated to remixing game music. There are a few gems in there, especially for inducing nostalgia. So when I put my music player on “Random”, I get exactly what I ask for. Most of the time I have never heard the currently playing song before.

Now, this presents a kind of problem. With so many songs, there are quite a few out there that I’ll have no interest in hearing again. Some songs don’t even get to play all the way through. Others I’ll love, but I’ve got no chance of remembering which ones those are. Since I’m playing these on the Ipod, the only way I have to sort through these songs as they play is the five star ranking for each song.

After some debate, this is the system I’ve come down to:
0 star – have yet to get playtime, or I didn’t think enough of them to rank them. Every now and then I will up-rank the unstared but played songs to be 2 star ranked.
1 star – never play again. Incomplete songs, songs I didn’t like, or for other reasons.
2 star – Ok songs. Don’t mind them on random, but I probably won’t seek them out either.
3 star – Good songs. I like these enough that I will probably put them all on big playlist someday for when I want to listen to what I like without the drudge of songs I don’t care for.
4 star – Personal favorites. Songs that I can play over and over without getting tired of them. Songs I do seek out to listen to every now and then. I’d recommend these to people with music tastes like mine.
5 star – Songs that I would recommend to anyone. Best in class by me.

My goal is to really start figuring out what music I really like. A song can (and will) get moved around a good bit in these ranks. One thought I’ve had is squish rank 4 and 5 together for a time and use 5 star to be songs that I think are interesting on one listen, but need to hear more before really making an opinion. This would be good for all the artists that I’ve not heard before, as it might mean I go out and listen to/buy more of their music.

On IMing

One of the neat features of a few IM clients I’ve used recently is reporting the typing status of your contact. Seeing that they are typing a message lets me know they are actually responding in some fashion. However, there are a few times when this feature becomes more annoying than useful. Case in point, one person always shows up as “User has entered Text”. As if they had typed a reply but had not hit the ‘send’ button. I sit, waiting expectantly, for a response that never comes. At its worst, this happens when trying to get a message to the president of the company.

Anyone else have this experience?

Random thoughts and Little Things

– We’ve gone a week without air conditioning. Weather was nice enough and having the house open that long did wonders for getting rid of the random weird smells that build up in a house. Now if we can just get the kitty boxes to not smell, we’ll be doing great. Anyway, we had to turn the AC back on to deal with humidity. The carpets were starting to feel a bit too damp.

– The 3 movies, unlimited plan has the best ‘dollars per movie’ ratio at Netflix. You would actually come out a dollar and change ahead if you had two people, each with the 3xUnlimited than getting a single 6xUnlimited account.

– Downloading a new podcast’s catalog of ~40 issues at 3-40 minutes each eats through hard drive space fast. Especially when doing it on four new podcasts ‘just to try out’. Makes me happy to have a larger Ipod.

– Speaking of Ipods, I enjoy watching movies on it. On some mornings (weekends), Aleah will wake up if I get up… and promptly fall back asleep once I’m carrying her around. She’ll wake back up if I put her down, and repeats the process. So I’ve taken to watching a movie on the ipod while she sleeps on me. I’ve watched more movies in the past week or two than I have… um… in a few months.

– I should really keep away from camera lens reviews when I know there is a tax refund coming our way soon. So many other things that the money can get used for instead.

– Some days I think it would be cool to do a massive house cleaning, then hire a cleaning service to come out and do the detail work I usually don’t have time to get done. (baseboards, fans, mirrors, windows; that sort of stuff) I think that’s just about the only way we would reach that ‘really clean house’ goal these days.

– Pursuant to the above, I have way too much stuff for the amount of storage we have. Time to get a ladder and check out the attic!

Organizing the Garage

We went to Sears this weekend in search of a tool. I found what I was looking for, and found a sale at the same time.

This comes from the ‘household’ line, so it isn’t super expensive to start with, and it was 100 bucks off to boot. It didn’t take long to decide to take it home. Too bad some of the other stuff wasn’t on sale too, else we could have come home with enough storage to put away nearly all the annoying stuff laying around the garage.

Anyway, all our tools now have a home with room to grow. The bottom cabinet has the lock bar in place so little hands can’t get into it. I nearly need to put them in the top box too, but I don’t think she’s quite tall enough to reach in. Hopefully by the time she is tall enough she’ll also reach the level were “don’t mess with this” sticks.



Fred, Andrea’s husband, passed away early Saturday evening. I don’t know any more than that.

The funeral is Saturday. I thought we had it all worked out how we were going to go, but things have changed. We were going to drive but now Luke wants to fly. He wants to be able to arrive rested and stay longer which is completely understandable. But i don’t want to fly, and i need to have my doctor check something out first anyway. So travel plans are all up in the air again.

I do not expect you guys to go to the funeral; it is not like you were close. But I guess i will tell you time and date and all when i find out… or better, i will call.

Is Inequality Making Us Sick? (another installment)

Watched another show in the series. This one was about unemployment and hopelessness and how they affected health.

They illustrated with a town where the main business was a factory. People worked there, earning a good living, and then all of a sudden the company moved manufacturing to another country where they pay $1.50 an hour instead of $15 and benefits mean giving employees a free bus ride to work.

The loss of the factory was devastating to the town. Suddenly almost everyone was unemployed. People who had thought they would have a job forever suddenly had no good options. They could stay where they had built a home and put down roots and maybe find a job that paid minimum wage and had no benefits or they could start from scratch somewhere else (which is especially hard for those who are older and more established). The people in the town feel powerless. They realize that they are not in control of their lives. Some outside force can sweep away all they have built.

The people in the town had to accept their new circumstances. In a way that acceptance gave them peace, but it did not take away the feeling of powerlessness or hopelessness, which are major components of depression. When i think of depression I tend to think of depression without cause, but depression with cause has the same effect.

They went on to explore how other countries handle mass lay-offs, and how there is a growing gap between the haves and the have-nots, particularly in this country. The gap in this country is greater than any in any other developed country in the world.

You know how you can know something and yet not KNOW it? (And how you can KNOW something and still, every once in a while run across something that makes you KNOW it again?)

The show was interesting and informative… But it also made me think of myself because many of the feelings they were talking about are the same feelings i have had, to one extent or another, for most, perhaps all, of my life. I resist thinking of my feelings as depression, but no matter what the root cause or what name you put in it, when you feel powerless, the effect is the same! I suppose that was the “ah-ha” for me… that the effects are the same… particularly when one woman was talking about her weight gain, and then self-medicating with food and alcohol was discussed.

Of course the effects are the same! No matter what you call cause, depression or feeling powerless, you feel the same way, and you do the same things to feel better. I had not really thought of it that way.

Just interesting

(I have rewritten this 3 or 4 times, trying to say what i want to say without getting off on some tangent. Even now i am not so much satisfied with it as i am tired of messing with it. I am going to post. So, if you are reading along and suddenly something does not make sense or there is a lack of flow….. it is because of all the rewrites. I am so tired of it now that i am tempted not to post at all…. but then there would be all that time spent for nothing!)

While we’re talking politics…

What resources do ya’ll use to keep on top of things?

Right now I’m just reading candidate websites, comparing them against each other, and trying to think about it on my own. I don’t really have time to do much reading around, so when I do it is done by finding sites via google. I haven’t the time to really try to find ‘good’ websites.

Also, any sites you’d particularly avoid?


I don’t know how to categorize this…. maybe as a rant? politics? In the news?

There is a furor going on right now about Obama and his comments on people in small towns. I can’t for the life of me figure out why. Someone asked him a question, to which he responded, “You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them, and it’s not surprising that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

What is wrong with that? One of the things that i like about Obama is that he, more than the other candidates, tells it like it is, and usually people appreciate it. To me, he is, again, telling it like it is. When you take away the jobs that support a community, any community, the people in that community get desperate and angry and frustrated and bitter. They turn to things that give them comfort (religion), things that give then a sense of power (guns and the right to own them), and they look around for who to blame (companies that hire illegals who will work under the radar for so much less, or that ship jobs overseas, or buy cheap imports to save a buck). It is a problem. It is not “elitist” to say so, it is not saying anything against anyone, it is just the way it is.

Why the furore? I have heard about this on the news all day today. Obama’s opponents apparently have the country, particularly the state where the comment was made, all whipped up into a frenzy about it.

I don’t understand 1) why anyone is upset, and 2) why anyone lets those who so obviously have an ulterior motive turn it into some sort of insult.
