2 Kitties

I have bad news and good news.

First, the bad.

Annwynn is nearly 18. He’s been getting slower and skinnier and more decrepit for many years, and last weekend he had a very bad weekend – the kind of very bad where you realize it’s time to let go.

His appointment is next Tuesday, the 20th. We’re having the vet come to the house, and are trying to arrange things so it’s as calm and soothing for him as possible. And in the meantime, we’re trying to make sure his last week is full of all his favorite things. His favorite foods (basil pesto, blue cheese, and peanut butter), evening sniffs outside, precedence in all chairs and laps and soft places, sleeping under the covers – anything he wants.

And I’m trying to really focus on the present for this precious last week.

Now the good news.

We didn’t plan it this way, but it’s good that it worked out the way it did. A kitten showed up at work. They managed to trap her, and she was taken in by a local adoption agency. However, I sent my name with her, and was just accepted as a foster home for her. I picked her up yesterday.

She’s about 3 months old, is still skittish, but settling into things nicely. Mileva and Lyra are offended and indignant; Annwynn has noticed but I don’t know if he remembers. We got a picture last night of Little Bit laying on top of Annwynn. We got several photos, actually; it was a while before he noticed.

Having her makes this week a whole lot less maudlin. And she’s going to be excellent therapy for next week.