
A while back Christina was making a purse and we were taking pictures of the parts. She asked for the shoulder strap, so I tossed it over to her. Aleah thought that was quite entertaining, so Christina put it on her head like a hat. This further delighted Aleah, so Christina left it there for a while.

Meanwhile, I was being the dutiful photographer. Having the macro lens meant I had a decent chance at getting a good shot in the low light of the living room. Christina looked over at one point and I got this shot which has become one of my favorites. I’ve even printed it up for putting on a wall, desk, or other display in the future.

Most recent ride

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Putting Pictures Online

Ok, here’s a quick question:  Has anyone here looked around at any of the other pictures I’ve put up on flickr?

I’m asking for two reasons.  One, I’m actually curious to know if anyone around here has looked at them.  Two, I’ve been thinking about actually paying for an online image hosting service so I can push as many pictures out there as I want.  (flickr, for instance, only displays the last 200 shots on free acounts).

If ya’ll are looking every now and then, I’d push more stuff out there.  If you’re not… well, I probably won’t push pictures quite as often.

On another note, which place looks more interesting to you:

flickr (http://www.flickr.com/photos/13725832@N06/)

smugmug (http://clazbill.smugmug.com)


New Glasses

I’ve had the same pair of glasses for about four years.  Or maybe it was five years.  I can’t remember.  A long time either way.

One of the downfalls of modern glasses are the various coatings they put on the lenses.  New, they work great and do good things.  Given time, they start to fall apart.  Which my old pair has been doing for at least a year now.  I wouldn’t be suprised if this was a feature of the coatings. 

Anyway, the new glasses have just arrived.  They are, as one would hope, awesome.   Everything is clear again, text is readable at a distance, and there is the general joy of having something new.

Pictures will follow when I get a chance.