short video

You know how a few days/weeks/months (whichever) ago, I posted that bit about the movie Ink?

Well, the filmmaker has done other things, and it turns out the short videos are on You Tube.

So, you should all go watch Spin.

It has nothing to do with Ink, the movie, but gives an idea of the creative approach of the filmmaker. And it’s fun.

My Briday

Yesterday was my briday. I have proof! Luke bought me a cake. He said the guy in front of him in line was upset by the spelling on his cake, but Luke was fine with his. Purchased at Walmart, by the way.
Briday cake

Just a touch of Paint

Seems to be a painting trend around here…

We’ve been talking about painting the girl’s room something other than ‘default contractor off-white’ and we’ve been putting it off until there could be some input from the gallery.  Now that she’s old enough to get the concept “we’re going to paint your room and you can help” plus “do you like this color?”, we got the project going.  Our colors are blue, green, and pink.  The blue and the pink are for accents.  Right now they are absent from the room.  Our plan is to get some wooden cutouts (letters to start) and have the girl paint them pink/blue, then we’ll hang them on her walls.  For now, the walls….

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Multiple Mini book reviews

I obviously miss my books. My books are all packed. The majority of them have been packed for over 2 years. All of them are now in climate controlled storage. I miss my books.

Well … Fort Collins opened a new library within walking distance of us. It opened when we were in the midst of moving decisions, but now that we’re settled in the new temporary space – and I have no reading materials at all – we’ve been going to the library a lot.

And I have been reading like a starving person. In May, of course, I posted on the first three books I checked out. Since there, here’s what I’ve read:
The 13th Element
Anecdotes of Destiny
The Vampire Lestat
Born Standing Up
Alex & Me
The Devil You Know
Flat Earth
Wesley the Owl

Well, I’m not going to do full reviews on any of these (unless anyone is particularly interested). Just summations.

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The painted house

These are the color schemes we considered for the house……

lol OK, I used Photoshop (which i have again – YEA!) to try to see what the house would look like. It was so much fun we tried other color schemes.

I think the real one is obvious.. The colors are very true because these photos were actually taken after the house was painted to decide on the color for the doors. Luke replaced the garage door recently with a white door that is paintable but has a baked on enamel finish so he did not want to paint it. We had a choice: make the doors white to match the garage door or paint the garage door. We decided to go with the white doors.

After these were taken Luke changed the vents just under the peak of the roof to match the dark brown. Otherwise it is accurate. Perhaps i will add a 5th picture of the finished house if I think about it tomorrow.

We are not entirely happy with the colors (for different reasons). We are going to give ourselves 6 months to get used to it, then we will decide if we need to repaint.