Just a touch of Paint

Seems to be a painting trend around here…

We’ve been talking about painting the girl’s room something other than ‘default contractor off-white’ and we’ve been putting it off until there could be some input from the gallery.  Now that she’s old enough to get the concept “we’re going to paint your room and you can help” plus “do you like this color?”, we got the project going.  Our colors are blue, green, and pink.  The blue and the pink are for accents.  Right now they are absent from the room.  Our plan is to get some wooden cutouts (letters to start) and have the girl paint them pink/blue, then we’ll hang them on her walls.  For now, the walls….

Paint in Progress

This is a good friend that likes to paint.  She came over to do the edging (ceiling, foorboards, etc) and the wall is on the first coat of paint.  If you have sharp eyes, you may have noticed a paintbrush in the girl’s right hand.  (it’s that green blob of color right above her hand but still in her shadow.  easy to spot, right? )

Nearly Done Paintjob

The picture is dark, I know.  But the paint is done (two coats) and this was more for a ‘look! work area!’ picture than showing things off.  The gate in the doorway is not ours; on loan for doing the painting.

The Big Bed

Now this is a show-off picture.  Well, ok, it’s less about the walls and more about the new Big Girl bed, but the green color right above the bed is about right for the whole room.  Add in some toy storage bins, a combo book shelf/clothes drawers unit, and her table/chairs …  and that would be her whole room.   Maybe I’ll get in there sometime and take a shot from the window to get it all in.  With a flash for some better even light and it might actually look the same was as it does in person.


  1. Very nice!

    That’s a very pretty green. I can imagine it finished – it is going to be darling. So cool that Aleah got to participate.

  2. I did see the paint brush in her hand and thought Oh My!!! they let her paint and there is no green paint on the window facings?! Cool

    You always use such dark colors. Bold… I like how they look and yet do not do it myself.

    Love the white trim and white bed. Am curious to know what you have chosen to do for curtains.

    Will the toy shelves go back in?

    I am sure your little one loves that big tall bed.

  3. These pictures (on my monitor, anyway) make the paint look darker than it is.

    Not that the color is a pale “there may be green in this white, if you squnt and look at it funny” color, but it’s not a ‘greener than the rainforests’ either.

    I should really get a color-calibrator thingy for my monitor and then I could put out a picture that is really ‘right’.

    Ah well. ya’ll just have to come visit to see it. 😉