New Braunfels, here we come

I haven’t been able to reach everyone, and goodness knows for the next two weeks I’m not going to know where I am or what I’m doing – so here’s the timeline.

In various stages this week, we finish our packing – then the nice men come and finish it for us (they might be packing a lot of stuff we just didn’t get to) – and then the even nicer men come and load almost everything on a truck and take it away. In short, by Friday we will be sleeping on an air mattress and eating takeout off paper plates. Healthy!

Next week is where it gets interesting.

Monday we pick up the truck, Joseph loads it with everything we didn’t trust with the movers, and hopefully then we drive out.

We plan to be in New Braunfels by Thursday. We’d better be; that’s when we’re closing on the house. Assuming we don’t collapse under the paperwork.

We then sit in a hotel for a tremendously long time. The current homeowners need some time to get their logistics in order and get moved out, so we don’t actually take possession till early the following week. At which time it’s back to the air mattress and paper plates, and some seriously traumatized kitties.

I do not know when we will get our stuff back. It should be some time that week – Wednesday has been tossed about as a popular option, but that’s by no means certain. However, we should most likely have everything by the weekend. I think.

Therefore – if anyone would like to render unpacking assistance, or see the new house in a state of original disarray, June 7 would be a good day.

If all goes as planned, we will have a nice large yard and perhaps some empty boxes for entertainment, and one or maybe even two possible places to sit down.

Sounds like tremendous fun, yes? 🙂