The Package Game

I think that all delivery trucks should have GPS units installed and the data should be broadcast to people expecting packages.   Not so much a ‘truck is on 12th street traveling south’ type location; just a general city block would be great.  Showing what areas have already been visited would be an obvious feature.  I’m sure that the efficiency systems FedEx/UPS use make sure drivers don’t come back to an area multipe times during a delivery trip.  Wasted gas, time, and all that.

See, this would help out people like me that wonder when the truck is going to get here and where are they and WAIT! was that loud noise the construction next door pulling in a large truck or is that the delivery guy?  If I could look at a map and see “oh, he’s on the north side of town” would mean I wouldn’t be so distracted.  I’d just keep refreshing the tracking page every 10 minutes.  (or whatever update interval they set; 10 minutes would be good)

I’ll now go back to wondering where in the city the FedEx truck is wandering and when the UPS guy is going to stop by.