for you ebay people…

For those of you that do ebay, and are in need of tools, here’s a place to look:  Sears on Ebay

That’s sears liquidating returned items.  Pretty clear notices that there might be parts missing and all that, but some guys at the office have gotten good stuff this way.  (a couple of drills for better than 75% off the buy new price).

If I had the money, and had the non-time-dependent need, they have several 100+ piece sets out there for much less than you’d pay at the store.  As of now, there is one ~348 piece set out there.  Regular price in store would be about 550; the ebay item is sitting at 200.  (ok, with 1 day to go on the auction, so it’ll climb)

Even so, I imagine buying a large set like that for 100 bucks off retail price, then going to a store to buy a few missing pieces… you’d probably come out ahead.

Anyway, just something interesting out there.

Travelling for the coming holidays

There has been some talk about travelling up to Ramona’s for the holidays, either Thanksgiving or Christmas. Seeing snow, possibly sking, and generally enjoying the outdoors in conditions mostly unseen down here in Texas.

Christina and I have been talking about it and, as great as it would be, I don’t think we’ll be able to make it. I’ll explain why after the jump…

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kind of like deja vu

We took Mr. Blue to the vet today. Right before Christmas I noticed a small little lump on his back right hip. I couldn’t even find it every time I tried and I admittedly kept quiet. Then within the last month… it seemed to just grow out of no where. It is odd shaped, very firm, and seems to be attached to something (even to my lay person’s touch). I had a bad feeling about all of this… so it didn’t come as a shocker at all when the vet mentioned possibilities like “fibrosarcoma.” I was kind of shocked that he even mentioned that it could be vaccine related, though it was hard to say right now.

Tuesday Mr. Blue will go and get his growth removed and sent for biopsy. The vet felt like it was best to go ahead and remove it all now. Once we know for sure what it is…then we’ll know. Chris and I have decided that if it is something that is going to return we are not going to put him through chemo or additional surgeries but make the rest of his days as happy as possible. The vet also said that he’s seen the masses come back anywhere from before it was time to take the stitches out to years and it was a toss up.

We’re all doing ok. Just kind of in that “well DAMN” phase….but I know that this isn’t the first time something like this has come up and that you guys understand too.