Difference of Focus

Here is two takes on the same photo. The basic difference is where to put the focus.

Curious what ya’ll might think makes the more interesting version.

Click for the Full Sized version.

Click for the Full Sized version.

I’m on a bit of a photography bender – going through and reorganizing pictures, moving photos from previous years off the laptop, and trying to get some organizing done. Expect more photos showing up here, and possibly some other random images.

These two shots are new though; took them Tuesday, when I really wanted to go find some higher ground to get a picture of distant (and awesome) storms. Kids didn’t want to go – there was a movie to finish – and I had to make due with finding something else interesting to picture between the house and the mailbox.

Here is another picture from a while back that I enjoy.

I’m not sure if anyone else would like this one or not; I am interested in feedback in the “yeah, nice shot” or “I guess you had to be there?” or whatever variety you care to leave.

Passing Train

Natural fly repellent

Talking to Carrie…  She is going to visit Pat who warned her that he is plagued by Yellow flies and No-see-ums.  She went on a quest for a chemical-free insect repellent and found this one.  Now this one is specifically for flies and our problem is mosquitoes but I still find it interesting.  When I was looking for people outside the site who might have something to say about it I found a youtube video review of their soaps that made me curious about their other soaps as well.  Apparently they smell wonderful.

So, for those of us who like natural soaps, I offer this site: http://www.blackberrycreeksoaps.com/handmade-natural-soap/yellow-flies-repellent-soap.html

And if you are interested in the video review I mentioned: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edcZJzdqPF0


I wish we were still using this

I like our Family Site!!!  I know that we are living closer together and seeing each other more often so there isn’t much news that we need to share here, but I liked our site and I hate seeing it sitting idle for months on end.  I liked that is was a record of sorts of the important events in our lives, and even some of the less important ones that were interesting at the time.

Eleanor has taken her first steps.  That should be here.

Luke and I were house hunting.  Of course it was all for naught, but I could have posted about that.  I could have posted that Carrie visited several months ago.  I could even have posted that Ramona visited a few weeks ago.   It might be interesting if Ramona and I both shared about that visit – 2 perspectives.

What is new in your life Chris?  I know Aleah was in some sort of Karate thing recently.  You could post that school is out and what grades the kids are going to next year.

We could all post something!  And we should do it.  Or one of these days Chris is going to decide that the family blog has outlived its purpose and take it offline.  Then what would I use as a home page????