New Laptop

Well I finally bought my laptop… Lenovo Ideapad Z560 09143YU

After deciding I wanted one for general use, then a little one for portability, then big enough to handle anything, and back to little, I came full circle and decided on general use. 🙂 Learned a lot in the process. Hoping I made a good choice.

I bought it locally. A place had it on sale for 599. With tax I paid about what I would have paid at Amazon or newegg, but with the advantage that it wasn’t shipped, I have it immediately, and if i have a problem I can take it back for a little while. I didn’t buy the extended warranty so I can take it back for 2 weeks I think.

That is no star

I have an iPhone. One of my favorite apps is called Star Walk. I put it on the phone one night while waking outside with the boy. He likes looking at stars and I wanted to be able to name some of them. Nowadays, I can actually name a few constellations without help.

But the really cool part was tonight. Whole family was outside and I noticed a light moving… but it wasn’t a plane. Christina whipped out my phone ( I had both kids, one per arm) and she pointed the phone with the app going in the general direction of our fast moving ‘star’ and said ” hey, that is the ISS!”

I’ve never actually seen it go by and known what it was; thanks to the phone and the app, I can now say that we saw the ISS go by one night.

Change of address

Well, everyone knows that I moved, and we need a post, so I might as well tell everyone where I moved to.

5101 Sandy Banks Rd
Raleigh NC 27616

It’s a 3 bedroom townhouse with an attached garage. I love having a garage again. It is just as wonderful as I remembered 🙂