New Laptop

Well I finally bought my laptop… Lenovo Ideapad Z560 09143YU

After deciding I wanted one for general use, then a little one for portability, then big enough to handle anything, and back to little, I came full circle and decided on general use. 🙂 Learned a lot in the process. Hoping I made a good choice.

I bought it locally. A place had it on sale for 599. With tax I paid about what I would have paid at Amazon or newegg, but with the advantage that it wasn’t shipped, I have it immediately, and if i have a problem I can take it back for a little while. I didn’t buy the extended warranty so I can take it back for 2 weeks I think.


  1. How excellent!

    Congratulations on making the choice and getting the laptop. It looks like a good choice, and the price and the local availability are both great things to have.

    How is the setup progressing?

  2. Set up is slow. I have forgotten my password for setting it up to be online but I know i have it it on the old hard drive. I am going to have to make a written list of my passwords I guess, or at least of password clues. That ought to be safe enough. (You know that my stuff is so important there are people going through my desk all the time looking for my passwords!)

    So far, though the little I have done has been offline, it has worked well. I intend to get into my old hard drive tonight when Luke is home and we are watching tv. I need to do that before my 2 weeks to return are up, not that I expect any problems.

    Tomorrow I am going to give my old laptop top Mary next door. She is all excited. 🙂 I figure I will be over there most of the day teaching her how to use it. All she really needs to do is email, but I plan to introduce her to other time wasting joys of computing as well…. solitaire, stumble, videos….