Honey Nut Cheerios

I don’t know about there, but here the boxes of Honey Nut Cheerios are currenly coming with 3D (red/blue) cut out “glasses”

If you happen to buy this cereal, or if you happen to already have 3D glasses, you should go check out this USGS page – http://3dparks.wr.usgs.gov/index.html.

This is one of those pages I’d marked as potentially interesting, but then revisited it when I got my Cheerios glasses. Some of the pictures are so-so, but some (the Delicate Arch in Arches National Park comes to mind) are really cool.

Thought I’d let everyone else know … and I don’t mind hawking Cheerios .. if it were cocoa crispies or something, that would be different..

One comment

  1. While I have no glasses to test this with at the moment, I like websites that try new things for people to try. I think it comes from the Interactive Media class that I took.

    As for cheerios.. well, we just bought a huge box of the plain ones. They make such great breakfast foods, snacks, ect, ect.