Car Show

Christina and I went to a car show today. I took it as an opportunity to test out my new camera.

The cars there were mostly older cars that people rebuilt. A few cars were newer models (there was one of the new mustangs; it’s only custom bit was a little engine work and a paint job)

I would put all the pictures into this post, but I’ll just put these two…

Nice Paint JobOld and Good


Well I am holding steady……. I have read that when you lose weight you starve your fat cells and they cry out to be filled. I think mine are crying out.

I am not happy. My body is soft. I feel spongy. It is not so bad at this point that i could not get used to it, but i poke myself every once in a while and gross myself out with how i feel, especially when i think of how much worse it will be when i loose more. I saw a young woman on Dr Phil who lost about what i want to lose and her body was horrible. I wonder how much “reconstruction” it would take to make a body like that something a person could bear to live in. I wonder if i could afford it.

The computer is still down

I didn’t mess with the computer for a few weeks. I couldn’t bring myself to pull the massive case out, clean a place to work on it, and start pulling things apart. I think I knew what would happen.

Yesterday I pulled the computer apart and found that nothing worked, even separated out. Sure sign of a dead power supply. I borrowed one from work, took it home, and tried it out. Low and behold, the fans all spun up and the power switch worked! So I took the power supply back to work and bought a new one after work.

I happily plugged everything back in. The computer went back under the desk. All was well with the world. Then I turned it on.

The fans spun up. There was some hard drive noise.

There was nothing on the monitor.

There is something else wrong. Something more than the power supply.

I have a sinking feeling that the motherboard is also lost.

The hardest part? Last night, in my confidence that the power supply was the problem, I also bought a new mouse (nice one, giving wireless a spin) and… a new camera. Canon DS550. Great camera so far, takes pictures in low light that our previous camera wouldn’t even attempt to do.

Guess what? That camera was purchased with cash I’ve been saving. And now I might need it for the computer.

Sometimes, computers annoy me.

Catkins diet

I kid you not, this is what the vet called it.  I told him about what the nutritionist had recommended, and the vet said, Ah yes; that is pretty standard; in vet school we all called it the Catkins diet.

Ha ha.  Funny sleep deprived vet students.

Aside – I talked with Mom about the new diet soon after talking to the nutritionist.  I probably told her some stuff that I have by now forgotten.  So, Mom, if you want to clarify any of these points, go right ahead.

Grailing is on all moist food.  The key reason for this is that it reduces his carbohydrate intake.   To make dry food dry, flour (essentially) is added – all dry food will have high carbs, all moist food will have low(er) carbs.   The reason this is so crucial for Grailing is that tumors can metabolise carbs, but not other energy sources.   Grailing, on the other hand, being a carnivore, can metabolise protein and fats.   So, by switching him to a high protein diet, I feed the cat and starve the cancer.

That’s the basic idea.

The vet also said – this is after the latest urinalysis sucess – that moist food also is prescribed for urinary tract issues, because it increases the cat’s water intake.  Cats generally don’t drink enough water, so putting them on moist food kind of forces the issue.  The vet said it is standard practice for male cats with urinary tract infections; some vets, he said, simply advise that all male cats eat moist food.

Also said the teeth thing isn’t really an issue. That was my big question.  Both vet and nutritionist assured me it wasn’t an issue at all.

So, that’s the scoop on moist food versus dry food, at least in this context.  Good for kidneys, bad for cancer.

Actually, for Grailing, I’m supposed to be feeding him pureed calf liver.  At the beginning, the store was just out of calf liver and I had to use chicken; Grail seemed pretty ok with that.  Then, they had calf liver and I used that, and Grail started throwing up all the time.  Forget that, I said, and went to canned food, which the nutritionist said was an adequate backup.    But now that it’s been a while, I’m planning on going back to the liver.  I’m going to try the calf liver again, but this time I’m going to cook it just a little.  That’s not optimal, but the nutritionist said it was ok to do it a little; to brown the outsides but not all the way through.   Then I puree it.  I don’t know….

So for Grail, it really isn’t supposed to be canned, it’s supposed to be pure protein.   I’m also adding extra water, and a host of supplements.   I have a recipie I’m supposed to put together, but what I’ve been doing is putting in one thing at one meal, varying it all the time – wanted to see if he was sensitive to any of the supplements, or if he liked or didn’t like any of them individually.  But, he eats them all just fine singularly or in any combination, so I’m ready to tackle this recipie.

The additives are: water, carrot juice, parsley juice (can’t find the juice so I’m just adding parsley), aloe vera juice, Vitamen E, Fish Oil, Kelp, Brewers Yeast.    Since I have it, I’m also adding Barley grass, which I got to begin with because of Annwynn’s fascination with grass; the barley grass supposedly is very very good for cats and has all of the green whatevers that the are trying to get from grass.

I had looked online, and saw some people recommended Flaxseed Oil.  However, I’m not using that.   There’s Omega 3 and Omega 6, and I really don’t know what those are.  But Omega 3 is supposedly the most Awesomely Wonderful Good Stuff Ever, particularly for cancer therapy.   Flaxseed Oil contains a balance of Omega 3 and Omega 6.  The nutritionist told me, though, that some studies show that Omega 6 can actually encourage cancer growth or something, so you want to make sure that your proportion is high on the Omega 3 and low on the Omega 6, or you want to avoid Omega 6 altogether.   Fish Oil (at least, the extraordinarily expensive fish oil) is all Omega 3.  And, as a bonus, cats are pretty excited about eating Fish Oil.  Flaxseed oil, not so much.

I did find this with Grailing.   I did online research right off the bat and went out and got some flaxseed oil pretty much the next day.  Grail was not entirely impressed (I tried some myself, it’s nasty).    Fish oil, though, is a good thing.   Mmmm, fish oil, mmmmm.    Expensive stuff, though, since it has to come from some small arctic fish that has large oil glands, and it has to be super tested for mercury and PCPs, etc., etc., etc.

Anyway .. that’s the scoop on Grail’s diet.  I don’t do much human cooking these days, since the cat cooking takes up most of my enthusiasm.   And I’m still a little hazy on all the ‘why’s for most of these supplements.   As long as they help, though, I’m all for all of them.

And, if you couldn’t predict this, Mileva and Annwynn both want to be eating what Grailing is eating.   They’re both still on dry, since I had quite a stock in the cabinet and since it is much less expensive.   But I am considering moving the two of them over to moist as well.    They really want it.

Grailing – good news

Good news!  I am so happy, I stepped out of the vets office and started crying (I have been very emotional about all this).

Grailing had x-rays done today to see if there was any metastasis to the heart and lungs.  And there isn’t, at least none big enough to show up on an x-ray.   This could mean that the cancer is slow, that we got it out in time, that the vet got all of it out, that it is a fibrosarcoma and not an hemangiosarcome, that the supplements are working – could mean any of those things, or none of them, but whatever it means it is good news.

I also had them do a urinalysis while he was there, since that had been an issue earlier and he’s had this radical diet change.   The results from that were really good; the vet said that there are no crystals (that was what the earlier problem was), that the pH is ideal, there’s no sign of infection, the kidneys look great, the concentration was low (meaning he’s very well hydrated) – said it was just about perfect.   I felt very good about that, part of the nutritional thing is to increase his water intake, and that’s obviously working well for his kidneys if nothing else.   And it makes me feel a lot more confident about the new diet, I was a bit hesitent in that I didn’t want to fix something by breaking something else.

But hey!  It’s working all around!!

This is really a good boost for me, it will help me keep up with the new diet and stay hopeful.   Visualizing all sorts of worst case scenarios wasn’t helping much.

It’s still a pressing concern for me, I’m still quite anxious about the long term, but for today we are healthy.   Today is a good day.

WW ’06

Went to my meeting last week.  I had a goal by the end of the year, and I made it….  and I got a star…   which is nice.

This week I was afraid I would not lose a thing… this was a hard week.  In the first place i made my goal and when i make a goal I relax and celebrate and get cocky.  In the second place I was down for a couple of days and could not seem to get a hold on things.  But I went, I weighed, and I lost 2 pounds.

I think maybe i have become accustomed to eating better so even when i feel like i am all wrong, i am better than i used to be.

Anyway….   next week i am counting points.  (even though they forgot to give me a tracker for the second week in a row!).  I made a scanned copy of an unmarked one so i am covered even when they (and I) forget at the meeting.

Christmas hound

I thought i would look on ebay for an autograph hound. I found a few. This one is the best. Of course, at another time there would be another selection.
This one is made by an individual.  From the look of it the gal who made it knows what she is doing, more than i would. I wonder if she would be willing to make the same dog in a bright Christmas color. I will write and ask.  This dog is pricey, especially considering shipping.  (the shipping would be less if it was slower)
I also looked at Simplicity to see if there was a pattern i could use to make a dog.  Of course if i made it, there would be no guaranteeing the quality or the speed.

Our signature thing would not have to be a dog…  or even an animal.

Just thinking.

just to keep up with non-news..

I was looking through the access logs for the website a few days ago and I noticed quite a few error codes showing up. They were all looking for a favicon file, so I took the time to create one. It’s that little blue/red thing that shows up in the address bar and it would show up in your bookmarks too.

Not that the file was really required or anything… just a nice touch. And it keeps the access logs a little cleaner.

Introducing a new website….

Since matters of maternatiy don’t all fit into the family website here, Christina and I started up a new website, Crabby’s First Website. Our intent is to make updates there about how the baby is doing, how we’re progressing, and other baby related news.

Hope to see some comments showing up there, and don’t worry: we’ll have plenty to say here too.