The computer is still down

I didn’t mess with the computer for a few weeks. I couldn’t bring myself to pull the massive case out, clean a place to work on it, and start pulling things apart. I think I knew what would happen.

Yesterday I pulled the computer apart and found that nothing worked, even separated out. Sure sign of a dead power supply. I borrowed one from work, took it home, and tried it out. Low and behold, the fans all spun up and the power switch worked! So I took the power supply back to work and bought a new one after work.

I happily plugged everything back in. The computer went back under the desk. All was well with the world. Then I turned it on.

The fans spun up. There was some hard drive noise.

There was nothing on the monitor.

There is something else wrong. Something more than the power supply.

I have a sinking feeling that the motherboard is also lost.

The hardest part? Last night, in my confidence that the power supply was the problem, I also bought a new mouse (nice one, giving wireless a spin) and… a new camera. Canon DS550. Great camera so far, takes pictures in low light that our previous camera wouldn’t even attempt to do.

Guess what? That camera was purchased with cash I’ve been saving. And now I might need it for the computer.

Sometimes, computers annoy me.


  1. Coud you return the camera or would rather have it than the computer?
    Could you return the power supply?

  2. The old power supply is dead. So I wouldn’t return the new one. The camera is probably going to stay, as I’ve been wanting to get a better/smaller camera for a while.

    My current plan is to start saving for computer stuff and get a new one in a few months or so.