I just read the posts in answer to my last post. It seems like i check this site often for new entries and replies, especially when i look and find nothing new time after time, and then i will come on and find many posts that i have not read.

I really appreciate your encouragement. It makes me feel a little teary. 🙂 I feel so fortunate to have kids like you….. You are lights in the dark for me at times….. and you make me feel so loved…….

So far as the swimming ins concerned…. I got away from swimming during Christmas. There was the time factor, but more than that, there was the cold factor. I get colder these days. I cannot see how it could be because i am losing insulation because i have not lost enough to make any difference in the insulating factor. Perhaps it is that i burn less fuel… or maybe i am just getting older… who knows.

Anyway, the cold is still a factor. There was also a problem with my swimsuit. It was too big. 🙂 The bottom would fill with water and swoosh as i moved. 🙂 and the straps spent as much time falling off as they did staying on my shoulders. Not that that kept me from swimming, but it was a frustration.

I now have a new suit which is a tad too small. Not enough too small to bind, but snug enough that it will fit better in 10 pounds or so. It makes me feel slimmer, somehow, even though it is a louder color: purple as opposed to my old blue to turquoise. I bought it on ebay. I got such a good deal! New price is $80…. I paid $12.50 plus shipping, to make it $20. (Very pleased with myself.)

As for the difficulty level of what i do – I stopped going to the class a long time back. There is a class that is too easy and a class that is too frustrating… frustrating because they play music that is too loud and the right speed for aerobics on land, but impossible to keep pace with in the water. If it were not so loud, perhaps i could tune it out and move at my own speed without becoming cross. I could do what most do and just abbreviate my motions so i could keep pace, but that irritates me too. Now there is a deep water class that is perfect for me. Unfortunately it meets on Monday at 6PM, and Tuesday and Wednesday at 7PM. The times are bad for me. I have attended once, and will attend again, but mostly what that class is good for it teaching me a different exercise to add.

I go in at a time when there is no class. I have a stretching routine from that joint flex and movement class i used to go to. What i do is a little faster than the class used to do, but i do need that range of motion stuff. Then i head to the deep where i jog and walk and whatnot. I do need to add swimming. There for a while i was swimming and i worked my way up to, i think, 4 laps. Now these laps are not swimming like one would think of swimming 🙂 but they did tire me. I got away from that in the summer when the kids were in the pool so much… and then there was the swim suit factor. 🙂 Ever tried swimming in a suit that slips off the shoulders and tends to bag in the rear with water?

I also need to expand into land classes. There is a yoga class and a palates class intended for beginners and i have heard that they really are at beginner level. I have also thought that i should train on the aerobic machines. I would not want to do any that stress my knees and that may be most of them, but i should find out before i write them off entirely.

And i need to walk….. I don’t know why i don’t…. I like walking… I am not up to walking very much yet. In another 50 pounds i should be able to walk seriously. But i think i am up to an evening stroll up and down the block like we used to do with Sam in the evenings. I can even get my shoes on these days! 🙂 I can fit into some shoes that i have not been able to wear on years. Mind you, they are not comfortable yet, but in a pinch (appropriate word) I can wear them. A few months ago i literally could not get them on my left foot.

So far as the surgery is concerned…… I do need to find out what we are looking at in terms of money. I have thought that i could ask you, Ramona, to pay for surgery instead of Hawaii, but i am not willing to give up Hawaii. Carrie made a suggestion that i toy with…. She said that i should pay for what i could, finance the rest, and get a job to pay it off…. pointing out that when i am slimmer I can work. It just pains me to think of spending so much for something that i should not even need. And i am reminded of something Luke said when i first started this venture. He said he would rather pay for reconstructive surgery than hospitalization for a stroke or heart attack. I need to remember those things………

I wish i had posted all this with the WW post. Then I could have the record for longest post. Perhaps i can have the record for most posted in the middle of the same night. 🙂
I love you guys…….


  1. As you lose more weight, your body will adjust to how it thermoregulates. When I lost all that weight in college…(well i’ll get to do that again in about a year)…I went through periods where I would just get COLD. It does get better…but I know it is fustrating to no end. You will get to a stage where it will be ok again, promise.

    I have more to say, but I don’t want to put it all down right now. I need to mull it over.

    Knock that little monkey sitting on your shoulder off and hang in there.

  2. Lots of new points

    * Don’t wallow in ‘what ifs.’ You know that. 20 years ago, this program wouldn’t have worked for you. Wasn’t the right time, then. Is the right time now.

    * I think having another solid goal in mind would be good. When we talked, it sounded like you had some, but none that seemed as definite as last year’s goal.

    * I looked up travel costs to Hawaii, and based on those numbers I’ve moved the appropriate amount of money into some medium term saving certificates. They mature in 15 months, so I’m planning for you to be ready to go to Hawaii in May 2007. I’m setting this whole chunk aside for the trip .. if we’re able to plan the trip in the off season, or otherwise keep the costs down, I have no problem putting the rest of the money towards whatever reconstruction you want.

    * I like all of your exercise plans. Sorry to hear about the thermoregulation challenges. Glad to hear that it’s to be expected and that it will pass. I think the yoga class sounds great; you might even be able to bring some of the new yoga stretches into the water .. perhaps you can ask the instructor to suggest proper modifications for that. Walking is good. And I don’t know what sort of machines they have at the Y (all I really recall are the cardio machines), but perhaps you can find some time of day when the weight room is deserted and do some upper body exercises. No stress on the knees, for one, and weight training is really good for all sorts of other reasons.

    * Wonderful that you got your 16 week sticker. Statistically, sounds like you’re on your way. Next up, 25 weeks. That will be the end of March, right? Will be able to do a 25 minute walk by then .. or 25 laps in the pool .. or 25 yoga positions ..

    * You’ve had a slight gain. So, the first part of the plan is through (the fast weight loss). Now you’re at a new beginning. Go go back to basics, really concentrate, and get the workouts going. Take the little shoulder monkey with you. Explain the new rules to it. Take control.


    .. suppose we should start taking hula classes, too …..

  3. Would you believe that i have taken hula classes? 🙂 when i was 5 or 6, probably. I remember a phrase from a song. “Lovely hula hands, (oh dear, i have lost some) “Lovely hula hands — as —- in the morning.” I also remember the motion that went with the phrase. And we got to wear grass skirts and leis and everything! It was very cool.

  4. Oh, too funny. Well, you’ll have to teach me. I do have the grass skirt. And I put it on recently, wondering about its haloween potential; I need to get a loud bikini top to wear with it. Just the top, of course; Kevin says that “nothing” goes underneath.

    I’m sure.

    Actually, isn’t the only other thing you wear with a grass skirt one of those floral lei things? Won’t that be lovely ….

  5. Actually, if you want to be totally accurate, all you would wear is the skirt and the lei. Seems to me that adding a swimsuit top is as untrue to the original concept as adding the bottom… so i would add both or neither.

    As for the hula…. the key is in the foot movement….. once you get that down and learn to let your body move with that fluid motion, it’s easy. 🙂