The Gun Range

A friend and I went to a gun range recently. We figured it would be a good, relaxing thing to do. He’s in the process of figuring out what kind of weapon he would like to get for a concealed handgun license. I was there to put holes in paper. Well, and to see if I could actually hit anything. I don’t go shooting often.

One thing we did do to make it fun was pay the extra cash to rent an excessive five-shot revolver. The rounds we used were hollow points; we decided that was to ensure the round stayed in the shooting range.

The Gun, Blurry Style

Take a look at these pictures…. and keep in mind the spent shells laying around near the weapon are from the 9mm we just finished shooting. The 9mm help for scale, and I appologize for the blurry shots. They were taken with our older camera, without flash and without decent camera taking lighting.

Blurry picture of gun in hand

One comment

  1. And I’d just like to say that my first shot with that monster…. hit the target inside the center ring, about | | that far from the X at dead center.