Weight Watcher Report

Another meeting, and another 5 pounds!! Woopeee!! I have undereaten a little this week. I wanted this 5 pounds for some reason. I need to back off though and take 2 weeks for the next 5.

There was one thing i found humorous at this meeting. We were talking about making goals and how to reach them. One woman said that she was gong to keep track of her points all 6 1/2 days. The leader corrected her, 7 days. No, several replied, 6 1/2, then gleefully added, “if you come to the meeting Thursday night is FREEEEE!” (which is about what i decided last week. I decided to give myself one evening off, Thursday after the meeting. I am eating what i usually eat, not pigging out on goodies, but i am not measuring and counting up the points. I will start again on Friday morning.)

One comment

  1. One diet that I’ve heard of and thought about doing works on a similar principle. Six days out of the week you stick to a strict, all healthy diet. Anything ‘bad’ for you is off limits. The seventh day, however, has only one restriction: you can eat anything so long as it is what you really want. So, if you just really want ice cream, you get ice cream. However, no eating ice cream just because it’s a free day. You get to choose which day of the week is your free day to fit your schedule.

    I thought it was a neat idea.