
Yesterday i had to go into houston and got caught in some bad bad rush hour traffic coming home. I was near the Sams, so i decided to go in and check on their televisions and ride one of their excellent little carts around the store for a while. It was fun. I am so seldom in the mood to shop and did not realize i was in the mood then, but i found myself enjoying looking at almost everything in the store. Funny thing is that i kept thinking to myself as i looked at the food, “I don’t eat that any more,” and being pleased with myself about it. I did not even bother with the candy isle and i always look at the candy, especially right before halloween. When i looked at the clothes, i would think, “one day soon i will be able to buy my clothes here.”

But tonight I am going nuts. I want something sweet. I want cookies. Last week i had a bag if gingersnaps because they are a low point cookie. Perhaps i should keep them around for times like this. But if i had them tonight… i don’t know…. Maybe it is better than i don’t.


  1. leave the excellent cart and walk!!!! it is way awesomer and easier to reach the stuff in the top section of the frozen foods

    many kudos for resisting the candy isle and they do have some really nice deals on clothing at Sam’s.

    and even more goodness cuz you didn’t come home and binge…
    last trip to sam’s..i bought candy
    and this weekend we made chocolate kahlua brownies (chris and i ate the whole pan in 2 days)…i love you paula deen…i will make pilgrimmage to Savannah and i will try to top the couple you mention in your dessert book.

    for me…i can’t have the sweet around, i’ll eat it for any number of piddly reasons. though…would it be an option for you to have jello…sugar free is better (but i know you have issues with the sugar sub)…or perhaps low fat, pre made pudding cups around? those are often very satisfying to me and gets that “oh my gosh i gotta have sweet” out of my system. (my personal favorite jello flavor is black cherry…can find at walmart where the box jello is). if you make the boxes, buy some small ramikins or small closeable cups so that you can make individual portions when you make the jello. then take portion out, carry to location away from the fridge…snack…and it’s over…no having to portion out and go “uh oh” later …and you can get adventurous and put fruit in your jello. however…if i show up for thanksgiving/other mean to find lime jello with carrots and or celery…i will be really upset.

  2. OK, making a note… be sure to have lime jello with carrots and celery lol

    The Cart…. I would walk if i could…. I look forward to the day when i can, but it is vary hard my the knees to carry around 150 extra pounds all the time. Try it… get yourself 150 pounds and carry it around for a while and you might understand when i say, save the knees, take a cart. I would have walked had i just been running in for a few things, but i planned to spend at least an hour and for an hour, I can’t make it. Besides, I am afraid if i push it with my knees i will just have to have knee replacement sooner.

    Actually…. people who know recommend i not walk at my weight. They recommend what i am doing – water exercise to keep the joints moving without the weight stress.

  3. Three responses to the must-eat-sweet urge –

    If it’s an urge to indulge, then I can wander online and look at fabulous chocolatiers, like Ethel Ms and such. Reading the descriptions and savoring the vicarious wonderfulness of it works for me. Sometimes I’ll promise myself that I will order one thing – and I generally will – and the searching for the perfect one thing (and the then long wait till it comes) hits the indulge spot. And it’s better to get a small version of something exquisite.

    If it’s an urge to do something turning into an urge to eat something, then I make cookies or brownies or something to take to work (or send it with Dad to work). Making the cookies is generally enough, and then there’s the 2 or 3 warm right out of the oven – and then they all get packaged up and sent away the next day.

    You know both of those.

    My big gun, though, if I’ve been munching on safe alternative snacks (like the gingersnaps) to no avail or its the weekend and I can’t safely offload cookies or I just need somthing NOW etc. – well, either I cave or, if I’m still in control, I drink vinegar.

    The organic, so very good for you ought to drink it every morning wonder stuff. For appetite control I drink it as strong as I can (which is still really diluted). And when I’ve had my little glass of vinegar water, I very seriously can Not eat for a little while. It just kills that entire craving feedback loop.

    So, I brush my teeth, and move on with whatever else. Usually, any cravings I had are completely gone, and then I don’t think about eating again till I get legitimately hungry. I don’t do it often, but it works (perhaps because I do it so seldom). Anyway – it might be something to try. I don’t know what the Weight Watcher point are for vinegar water, but it’s bound to be better than a pan of brownies.

  4. ps – chocolate kahlua brownies? Hmm.

    Some day, we should all get together and have brownies. You know, at Christmas substitute brownies of all types for any other candy or dessert.

    Or perhaps we’ll just get together for no apparent reason and have a brownie sampler – like they have wine tastings, but with brownies. mmmmmmmmmmmm

  5. The Cravings : yes, those are hard to deal with. Fortunately, I am usually at work when I get them and thus unable to do them. Very distracting though.

    The Brownies : I would try to send you some, but state laws about alcohol transportation might get in the way. 😛 But really, I’d love to make them when we’re all around to sample them. I am glad Christina tried the receipt.