Holiday food index?

I was skittering about this week, trying to figure out where the recipes for all the traditional favorites made off to. Some are in this book, that book, an e-mail from someone, a printout, one’s written on the back of an envelope.

Got an e-mail from mom indicating she was having a similar experience, thinking they were all together and then -surprise- one is missing.

So. I was thinking, and tell me if this is an idea with enough merit to actually do it ….

I was thinking that it would be lovely to compile all the “traditional” recipes for both Thanksgiving and Christmas on a website. I could put it together on my geocities page; Chris could take the code and post it anywhere else, if that were more convenient.

I was thinking that not only would this get all of them in one place for my benefit, at least, but if the other two of you got into it maybe we could even sort of explore what “traditional” has come to mean for the three households.

So …. tell me what you think. I even got carried away with myself, and thought it could be expanded to talk about the other traditions that we have going for the two holidays .. but starting with the food, what do you think?


  1. that could be handled here, at least to start off with.

    We could either add a few categories to posts (recipe?) or we could write them out as individual pages. All of us can write pages; when you write a post, not that there is a link for ‘write page’ right next to ‘write post’.

  2. Well, ok. I added a few categories to start off with. I think they should do well for now. Keep in mind we can add more sub-categories if wanted/needed.