the lights again…..

I know you must all be thinking i am obsessed with this light show. 🙂 But keeping an eye out for the new and improved version means i keep running across interesting things. This article is mostly the same old thing, except that they interviewed the neighbor across the street who said, “We called it the psycho house. It was just weird random flashes. Then, he told us about the radio station and it was great.” It makes me smile to think of watching the house across the street flashing like that with no discernable pattern or reason. They must have thought he was crazy.


  1. OK. Thought I’d write in with this update.

    You may have all already seen it, but today was my first time for seeing the light show in the Miller Lite TV commercial.

    So I dashed online and researched it. And yup. The Miller Lite company went to the guys house and spent 7 hours laying snow on the ground and then filming the lights, for the 30 second commercial spot.

    So, wow. When do you figure you’ve hit the public consciousness, when your show becomes a top download online, when you are invited to show up on morning TV shows, or when a mega corporation comes and films your work for their commercial?

    And how much do you figure they paid him? Photos show him with at least two daughters .. figure they have college funds set up now?

    Does this mean there might be lights next year?

    Enjoy the lites..