Signed Up

Well, I misunderstood the rules and the deal is not as wonderful as i thought, but i signed up anyway. I guess i was ready to. I guess that the main draw is that i will be working with someone who will give me a hard time is i slip. (I have to say, when i think about it, it did sound too good to be true.)

The misunderstanding involves the money back at the end and a nutrition bar (also available as a drink). I am supposed to eat said bar twice a day. I thought the bar was included; It is not; It costs $30 a week. To add insult to misunderstanding, if you do not use the bar (which you do not have to use) you are not eligible for the money back at the end of the program. Hmmmm Let me think… If i spend an additional $30 a week for the next couple of years, they will refund me $200? I don’t think so.

On the other hand, there is a bit of good news. Because i want to lose mass quantities, they dropped the fee from the sale price of $5 a week (regular price is $7) to $3 a week. Also good is that if, at any time, and for any reason, i wish to drop the program, i can get refunded the $3 a week for the weeks i did not use. They keep some fees (the program costs more then a flat $3 a week) but it is nice to know that i can get back some of what i have paid them if i reach a point that this is not working for me. I may put in for my $3 back when it comes time for the year of maintenance. $3 x 52weeks = $156. How much is maintenance monitoring worth to me? I will decide when the time comes.

Anyway, I gave them my money and signed my name on the dotted line. I am to go in next week for my diet and my sample box of nutrition-rich, protein-rich, soy-rich bars, the ones that cost $30 for 14 bars. (I am not sold on soy. Some tell us that soy is the best source of protein ever, and some tell us that soy, when processed one way (fermented) is very good for us, but when processed other ways, is not good for us at all.)

This means that i will be on a strict diet (the first 2 weeks are referred to as “quick start” so i assume they are restrictive) that does not include Pumpkin Pie when Thanksgiving comes. This is probably not the best week to start a diet. I am not sure what i am going to do for Thanksgiving. Maybe i will talk to Luke about going to Lubys (I think they are open) and i will either eat salad and dry turkey while he feasts or I will take one meal off and have dressing with gravy, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. Probably the latter.


  1. So did you get the prescription or are you still waiting for that to come in?

    I hope this works for you (with or without the refund incentive).

    Was in a second hand cycle shop; found they also have a ton of other fitness equipment, with lots of bikes. Wish there was a way to figure out if any of these bikes was the better style, and if so how in the world to get it to you.

  2. I like my exercise bike… and your dad got it for me and i picked it out. Granted i might be better off with one that had me in a different position, but i have a strong sentimental attachment to this one even if it is not the best i have ever ridden. So don’t fret about me and my bike. 🙂

    I called the doctor before i went in and was told that the prescription had been mailed on Friday and it was dated Wednesday. Why it took so long to get it mailed i do not know, but i trust that it really was mailed and that it is dated before Friday.

  3. Hey, every program has to make their money somewhere. Those bars are a bit more expensive than Cliff Bars. Cliff bars are generally good stuff… hopefully these will be too.

    Soy stuff isn’t bad… since Christina is pretty much off regular milk these days we have been trying out various milk alternatives. Rice milk is decent, but a bit sweeter than I’d like. Soy milk is good, but still too sweet. Christina told me that there are unflavored soy milks out there; maybe that’s the way to go for me.

    Anyway, Soy isn’t evil, just different. Really.

  4. I am sitting here sampling the bars in my variety pack. There are 8. Cookie dough is pretty good. Lemon is pretty good. Chocolate crunch is pretty bad. If i buy more on Wednesday when i go back in, i get a doscount. I forget how much, but they tell me it is the biggest discount i will ever be offered. I need to sample all 8 before then. Oddly, i find that after eating about 1/4 of 3 of them i do not want any more. I was not particularly hungry when i started sampling them, but usually hunger has little to do with how much i want when the item is question is named chocolate something.

    They are sweet, but not very sweet. (real sugar, by the way) The chocolate crunch was not sweet at all. The flavor is strong. At first try I rather like them.  I wish i knew what was in them.  The box says see counselor.  I suppose it is a secret….

    (Called them…   they are going to email me the ingredient lists when they get a moment.)

  5. The bars…. I tried all of them yesterday… eating about as much as a whole bar or maybe just a little more. Remember I am supposed to eat 2 bars a day. This morning i feel weird. I feel like i feel after i have tanked up on caffeine to stay awake when driving… kind of wired, hungry but without any desire to eat, a little belly achy. My mouth feels and tastes strange too.

    You know how you eat something and it disagrees with you, you don’t want any more? Well, these bars tasted good, all but one, and they did do as advertised and make me feel full (uncomfortably full even though i ate a bar or a little more over a period of about 8 hours). But i do not like the day after.

    I called and asked for a list of ingredients. My counselor said she would as soon as she finished with the person she was working with. She didn’t… probably forgot. I have a feeling i am asking for information not usually requested and saying things not usually said. I would like to see the ingredients. I am curious about what is in them that might make me feel this way.

    This morning I looked at other nutrition bars online and found that some are based on whey rather than soy. I eat wonder how i would react to them. The sensation of fullness and lack of appetite for a long time after i are these bars could be a good thing.