Friendly Update

We’ve got christmas coming up soon and I see lists on the right side that haven’t gotten any recent attention.

Even if all you do is put a link to your amazon wishlist, update those pages!

(and yes, I realize that I haven’t done much updating on my own wishlist)

Book – Will in the World

Well, yeah, there have been quite a few books that I’ve read. Began to feel like book reports were dominating the forum, though.

A notable good one was “Plato and a Platypus walk into a bar” – that one was fun. I enjoyed it for the jokes, but some of the philosophy actually managed to stick. Need to re-read it; I think more of the real stuff will stick the second time round.

Not so good was “The Book of the Courtesans.” It was good as a series of biographical essays, but they really tried to pull it into a different framework. They wrote a good book, but it wasn’t the one they said they were writing. And the little interludes between chapters were decidedly uneven.

Maggots, Murder and Men” was good as long as it stayed on topic. Well .. good as long as it stayed on the topic that interested me. He was very direct in the beginning; this was his book, his memoirs, and when he wanted to talk about something else he was going to. So it was all expected. And some were interesting tangents, and some were not .. to me. But all the bits about forensic entymology were great. Many of the other observations were too.

So. Will in the World.
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