Mom’s Blog

As you may recall, a while back i discovered that my blog came up near the top of results when i did a search for my name. Not only did the blog come up, it took the searcher to a vent that i would not want the ventee reading. It freaked me out and i passworded the whole blog.

I have been intending to read thru, or glance thru, and see if there are any other entries i would not want someone chancing across and then un-passwording. Well i have finally done so. From now on if i write something i would not want someone to find, i will password the entry.

I like having you (ya’ll) reading my blog, including anything i may password. So what would be an easy password for everyone to remember? I was using lnrcaz because we used that for a long time and it is just a list of initials so is easy to remember. But it is outdated now that we have added family members and i am… oh i don’t know….. it is easy for me to remember and i like the way it looks, but is it easy and appealing for everyone?

I was thinking of using my name… or initials…. or maybe neljaz… anything easy for everyone to remember, but someone chancing across it wold not think of (which is why something based on my name is iffy)….

Oh well, it is not crucial.

I have not been writing anything lately… but i may… Just wanted to say that it is not passworded any more.


  1. It is so stupid that the easy password was such a burden… but I didn’t check as often when there was a single step between me and the blog.

    Your name and password were easy to remember and I still like them.