kind of like deja vu

We took Mr. Blue to the vet today. Right before Christmas I noticed a small little lump on his back right hip. I couldn’t even find it every time I tried and I admittedly kept quiet. Then within the last month… it seemed to just grow out of no where. It is odd shaped, very firm, and seems to be attached to something (even to my lay person’s touch). I had a bad feeling about all of this… so it didn’t come as a shocker at all when the vet mentioned possibilities like “fibrosarcoma.” I was kind of shocked that he even mentioned that it could be vaccine related, though it was hard to say right now.

Tuesday Mr. Blue will go and get his growth removed and sent for biopsy. The vet felt like it was best to go ahead and remove it all now. Once we know for sure what it is…then we’ll know. Chris and I have decided that if it is something that is going to return we are not going to put him through chemo or additional surgeries but make the rest of his days as happy as possible. The vet also said that he’s seen the masses come back anywhere from before it was time to take the stitches out to years and it was a toss up.

We’re all doing ok. Just kind of in that “well DAMN” phase….but I know that this isn’t the first time something like this has come up and that you guys understand too.


  1. Oh, I am sorry.

    I do hope the removal is complete and the biopsy brings good news and that whatever-it-is takes 10 years to come back, if ever.

    But take lots of pictures of him – the more healthy pictures you have, the better. And cats are wonderful to photograph anyway.

    Keep us all posted.

  2. The hardest part is knowing that Aleah totally loves Mr Blue and would/will miss him when he’s gone, be that tomorrow or a few years from now.

  3. Fingers crossed that it is benign. Some lumps are, you know. It would be very sad on many levels…

  4. Blue has now been dropped off at the Vet.

    We will be picking him up sometime after 4:00 today.

    Then we’ll know how the surgery went and what the vet/dr guy thinks of what he found. We will have whatever it is sent off to a lab so we know exactly what we are dealing with.

  5. Blue is now back in the house, sequestered in a room so he won’t get bothered by moby or by Aleah.

    He is doing ok. They didn’t totally shave the section they had to cut on; they left just enough fur that he still has his normal coloration. We will be taking him back in 10 days to get staples removed.

    The lump has been sent to a lab for analysis; we will know the results in a few days. We were told the lab isn’t consistent on how long it takes them, so we don’t have a set day to expect results.

  6. I heard that the lump has come back. Yes? No?

    I know I shared tips & tricks before (but long before) .. things that made Grail more comfortable, food choices, all that … don’t know if that would be welcome, or just redundant .. let me know if there’s anything to help.