New Glasses

I’ve had the same pair of glasses for about four years.  Or maybe it was five years.  I can’t remember.  A long time either way.

One of the downfalls of modern glasses are the various coatings they put on the lenses.  New, they work great and do good things.  Given time, they start to fall apart.  Which my old pair has been doing for at least a year now.  I wouldn’t be suprised if this was a feature of the coatings. 

Anyway, the new glasses have just arrived.  They are, as one would hope, awesome.   Everything is clear again, text is readable at a distance, and there is the general joy of having something new.

Pictures will follow when I get a chance.


  1. I didn’t know you were having vision and failing coating problems with your old glasses! Didn’t know they were that old either. I know, though, how easy it is to put off getting new glasses, and that vision and coating problems develop so gradually that you become accustomed, till they get bad enough that your eyes can’t compensate any more. Then you put those new glasses on and realize how terrible the old ones were.

    I am glad you got your new glasses, and glad you are happy with them.

  2. Kevin got new glasses a few weeks ago .. a week or so before we went to NC. He likes them.

    I need new glasses – having them fall apart when hiking is a sign of sorts, you know, and my clip on shades have been falling out of alignment on something like a daily basis.

    No new ones for me though; not yet. Had a miserably bad visit at the optometrist this week (trying to take that first step towards new glasses) and I don’t trust the prescription that gave me at all, so I have to really dig in and research frames now, and I have to go pay out for a new dr visit .. I think the plan only gives me the one per year, or every other year, and the one I just had counted. Even though it really didn’t.