OK – a new post

Well, the news over here is that I’ve moved back to North Carolina.

The job demanded it. I’m torn – I know that I like NC, but I’d just started enjoying CO. I will certainly be coming back to CO for vacations in the years to come, but it would be nice to live there again some day.

My new address is 209 Leeward Court, Cary NC 27511 4407 Hopson Road, Aprt 6308, Morrisville NC 27560 (*see comments for the story). In case anyone wants to mail any books, you know. Dresden books, for example.

It was a three day drive from Colorado to North Carolina. The cats handled it very well; better than I would have hoped. My stuff arrives on Tuesday. It’s kind of a weird limbo, living out of a suitcase again.


  1. What a fun weekend we had!

    So I’m moving, and part of the prep of moving is finding a new place. Worked out this great deal with a coworker who is leaving her rental since she bought a place – was going to sublet. Sight unseen & all that, but it was a house, it was much more space for lots less than I’d pay elsewhere, and it was a choice I didn’t have to make.

    So, the day before I move, Kevin gets the keys to this place and he goes over there. And immediately knows it won’t work – the pet smell is strong. At least, too strong for him to be able to stay there.

    I go over there, try to air the place out – but there’s stuff under the pet smell that’s even more disturbing. Possible mildew, that sort of stuff. And other issues with the place – for example, a friend who came over with fans is the one who noticed the crack in the back door – or at least the one who knew what that crack meant (it is apparently what it looks like when someone tries to force a door open).

    Well, all those things together … Saturday afternoon I finally gave up and decided that I’d have to agree with Kevin on this one, and we couldn’t live there.

    Bear in mind that I’ve paid the coworker for the first months rent, and part of the niceness of this is that I therefore wouldn’t have to pay rent, deposit, insurance, application fee, pet deposit, security deposit, etc. etc., right after having to pay for a move. Right. Best laid plans and all that. So now I’ve paid ALL of it. Her rent, my rent, all my fees, moving, all of it.

    And, all this hassle and last minute rearranging (including calling the moving van and hopefully getting that figured out, though I have yet to figure out what to tell the post office) … and I find that I’ve moved into a small apartment.

    I used to live in a house. With a yard and a garage and all those grown up things. And now .. I live in a small apartment. With none of those things.

    It feels really very odd.

  2. How long is your lease? Which floorplan?

    Terrible that you have to spend so much all at once. Going to be living on bread and water for a while? 🙂

  3. I live here: http://www.southernoaksatdavispark.com/home.asp

    My floor plan is B2. I like the sunroom instead of a porch.

    The one I really wanted was plan A3 at Marquis at Preston – http://www.mqpreston.net/p/apartments/floor_plans/cary-nc-27513/marquis-at-preston-3093. I really liked that plan a lot.

    But that’s 1 bedroom – 830 square feet – and I had to have more space. The plan I’m in has 1200 square feet. And I’ll only be there for 6 months anyway.

  4. Dresden books…. Yeah. They grow legs when put down, ya know?

    As of this weekend, I’ve got them in a box, need to get them in the car and to the mail. (yes, I realize this is Wednesday – I get behind on these things)

  5. 6 months isn’t too long to stay somewhere. Just long enough to unpack enough things that it gets annoying to re-pack them. Consider it a challenge to go minimalist – then report about how much stuff you left in boxes and if you missed it.

    Actually… why just 6 months? Plan to move elsewhere after that or that’s just the lease term for the place?

  6. Plan to move elsewhere. This is really just for sorting out the boxes and figuring out what happens next. Kevin’s next job is likely going to be a lot further afield, so we need to get his collection of stuff all finetuned.

    And paying for two places, one of which is a full house, is a bit old. So as long as he’s nomadic, we need to figure out how the two of us can both live in small more affordable spaces.

    Though more affordable has nothing to do with 6 month leases. Man, the premium for a short lease is sizable.

  7. Just now getting back here and finding the answer to my question. I live the one’s virtual move-in where you can arrange basic furniture to see how it fits. And I like the floor plan of the one you moved into. Did you make the master bedroom the master? I guess you would, with the large closet being in that room, but it would make a great storing and sorting room. Did you make the sunroom the office, as they suggest? I imagine you could grow things in there and that the cats approve of at least that room.

    If they had had that A4 in the other apartment complex, would you have taken it? It looks like the same plan with an office.