Questions and updates

I started to post a little while ago and could not find the link to sign in. I noticed the link, bottom right, for Mom’s Dieting Effort (Which I may change to Mom’s Vegie Diet or something along that line). It has been so long I had forgotten about it. I have thought I should take it down, but I always change my mind. I clicked on the link. I still like the way it looks. Of course the wordpress version is very old. Maybe I should not use it… I don’t know. Seems like the worst that could happen is that i might get hacked.

Anyway, I posted my thought there. Go read the last entry and see what I am talking about.

After I posted in my old blog, I thought about going to “leave a comment” here and looking for the sign in link there. I found it, but then could not figure out how to make a new post. Finally I noticed the links at the top of the page. I guess the sign-in link is there too.

Now I have questions. I want to know what you all think, even if you don’t have an opinion one way or the other.

If I started posting my diet news in my old blog, would you be likely to read it? One reason I set it up was that i did not want to monopolize this blog and if i post often I would. I could be posting every few days! However, it is family stuff… and I want you guys to read what I write and i want you to read it fairly often.

Also, Chris, Is there a good reason I should not leave my pretty blog in it’s outdated form?

PS to my post over there…. I am now eating these yeast flakes by the spoonful. It’s like candy in that i am having a hard time not taking just one more. It leaves gummy stuff all over my teeth which should be disgusting, but it just means the flavor lasts longer while the gummy mess dissolves. I am going to have to stop. I wonder if bad digestive things happen to people who overeat brewers yeast.

Oh! I just read the back of the package to see if they said anything about overeating problems. I discovered that the reason these things are so good, the reason they don’t have that bitter aftertaste is that they are not brewers yeast. Brewers yeast is made through the brewing process while these things are grown in or on molasses. Interesting.


  1. hummm ok
    I am more likely to check here, but I also don’t have a log in on the other page atm either so. there ya go.

    I’d be careful with consuming too much yeast if you have had yeast issues in the not so distant past.

    Miso!!! Fermented beans (often soy) and grains (like rice and barley). My favorite brand is South River Miso and I find it at Whole Foods in the refrigerated section. It used to be near the world flavors section but ours recently moved it by the “fake meats,” vegan/non dairy cheeses and butter. The chickpea miso (soy free) is delightful as a veggie soup base. They have a barley miso that is more hearty, perhaps good for hearty stews. Barley, veg, and shrooms comes to mind. For dressings you want the Sweet White (not sugar, just mild). They have other varieties but I haven’t found them anywhere but their website and shipping is awful for a small order. I like this brand because it is vegan, organic, and full of probiotics. It will run you about 10 bucks a jar and it is worth it. Best miso I have ever had. You can also use miso as part of marinades too. Here we use it as a broth base for soup most often. We may have even fed you soup with it in there.

    Fake meat. Blargh. Just say no.
    My understanding is that the altered soy they use to make it is more or less like delicious MSG. We try to avoid MSG as it is a known migrane trigger for Chris. I have had yummy fake meats, but personally I feel like they are best as a transitional food or a “eating out” food. I’m all for well prepared tempeh and tofu but fake meats are not that.

  2. I have created a custom theme for the site, which is itself based on another theme. The base theme had an update, which I did, and that broke some of my custom theme. Annoying.

    I did manage to get the login link back – just doesn’t have the page listing at the top yet. (ie, were the wishlists usually show up). I could get it back if I didn’t mind losing the nutter guy up on the top of the page though.