Questions about rocks

So … I have questions about this rock theme …

  • Are we supposed to buy the rock, or is this supposed to be a found rock?
  • Is the price limit on the gift inclusive of the cost of any decorative materials?
  • Is this limited to a singular rock? If we wanted to give multiple rocks as part of some set, would they all have to be decorated?
  • Are we prohibited from using our rock equipment? Or is it fair if we open up them up to anyone who’d like to spend an afternoon over here? (you’re all welcome to do so)


  1. It was my understanding that we would find the rock, but that is really up to Aleah. We need to tell her to check the site. I see no problem with multiples either, though that is something I had not thought about. One could use different sizes glued together to make a figure or something. As far as using your rock equipment, I hadn’t even thought of that but I would vote to say yes. Especially if we all have the option, I see no problem.

    I might have a bit of a problem finding a rock….hmmm. Luke and I both may need help finding our rocks.

    Aleah, these questions are for you. You get to decide.

  2. I’ll try to get an answer from Aleah. Might be monday till I can though. I’m doing a week long retreat so my weekend is full from 6AM-9PM.

    My guy instinct is to not really answer much of anything and leave it entirely up to creative interpretation. Usually ends up with better variety that way.