
Thursday I had an appointment with my GP. Today, Friday I had an appointmet with my heart doctor. I feel like i am turning into one of those doctor-obsessed people.

I did ask about my kidney aches and she said she did not know, that my tests came back very good, all functions normal. So I guess I will drink my parsley tea and water and stay away from foods that are hard on the kidneys. It may be the weight loss… I know that when you cleanse the body and the kidneys have to process all the toxins you are cleaning out, they do have to work extra hard. Who knows.

Anyway… I do not have to go back to my heart doctor for 4 to 6 months at which time she tells me she would like to see less of me. 🙂


  1. I was at the doctor too today. So I sympathize.

    I wonder if it is familial, this objection to becomming doctor-obsessed. Kevin goes so often he more than makes up for me, and yet he has no feeling of discomfort at going in so often.

    Keep all posted (and btw, all my results were normal. My cholesterol is once again, and as always, simply wonderful. They complimented me on it.)

  2. wooooo hoooooooo

    i am really excited that you got a good report from the doctor.

    and on the kidneys…i have pulled muscles or had them in a spasm up in that area. it hurt…like i was scared i had an infection or a stone. apparently it is very easy to do…just get in the wrong position or even sleep wrong and bamola. if you have been exercising…it may be what happened. try taking 3 advil or 1 advil and 1 tylenol (make sure you have food in the tum tum) it might help.