short video

You know how a few days/weeks/months (whichever) ago, I posted that bit about the movie Ink?

Well, the filmmaker has done other things, and it turns out the short videos are on You Tube.

So, you should all go watch Spin.

It has nothing to do with Ink, the movie, but gives an idea of the creative approach of the filmmaker. And it’s fun.


  1. I watched Spin. I didn’t remember it at first, but i have seen it before. I think it was on that video site i was impressed with a while back, I like Spin. It holds your interest, has a positive message, and is very well done.

    Does Ink have the same positive feel? I watched the preview of it which was also on youtube and had the same rhythm and feel. You could tell it was made by the same people or person. I wonder if they will ever put it online.

  2. Someday, it will be available on DVD. They are still hoping to be picked up by a major distributor (or even a medium distributor), and are even in talks about selling the screenplay. But even if they remake this with Viggo Mortesson and Halle Berry, I’ll still hope to get a copy of their original film if/when they release it.

    There are some rough patches to the movie .. but then it all fits in the end and you wouldn’t change anything.

    And yes, there is a positive feel to it.

    In his writing on Fairy Stories, Tolkien coined the term eucatastrophe. This is when everything is looking horrible for everyone, but then something happens … grace, intervention, fairy godmother, something … and all of a sudden, it all works.

    And that’s very much what happens in Ink, and kind of the feeling of it too … there is a mythic feel to the storyline .. at least to the part of the story happening in the dream world.

    —Spoiler Alert —
    stop reading now to avoid spoiler

    Um … though … there is one thing that no one prepared me for, and it’s not that likely that any of you will actually get to watch it (unless I loan you my DVD when I eventually get it) …. but here, I’ll warn you anyway.

    The very first spoken word in the movie is “Fuck”. And it isn’t spoken. It’s yelled. With a lot of feeling. And in the beginning, of course, you don’t know why nor why you should accept that the character would say something like that.

    Of course, they intend it to be very jarring, and it was, and now I’ve ruined it for you, but oh well. It’s still jarring, but I could have done without the shock.