Sunday night

The idea is to write something every day, even when what I have to report is not good, so…

I did not eat well today, nor did I exercise. I also did not binge, and, though I was not as active as I could have been, I did accomplish a little on the house clearing project. I tackled the bedding storage in my room. The goal was to keep only what I use and to get rid of or move enough so that I have room for all of what is left. I have one bag destined for goodwill. It contains that pink lean back on pillow thing, a sheet, and a spread, so far. I am debating what to do with some of the other sheets. I have 2 sets of jersey knit sheets that stretch out and get all messy on the bed. I do not have room for all my sheets, so I think these will go, but I may send them to Trip or Bill instead of goodwilling them.

I should keep a food diary. I try to do that from time to time. It would be a good thing if I would actually do it… I am eating ritz crackers and cream cheese as i write this and it is after midnight.

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