Weight Watchers

I took the big step and joined Weight Watchers last Thursday. It is going to be expensive. $12 a week. I have all the info and am paid ahead for 3 months (they were running a special if I bought 3 months at a time).

The diet is different….. I really do not see how I am going to lose very much on it because it is so very non-restrictive. I eat as much as I usually do, and the instructions are very clear that I am supposed to eat all that is allowed.

It works on a point system, as I am sure you know. Every food has a point value. I don’t really understand why some things have the points they do. A 12 ounce Coke, for example, is 3 points, while a 12 ounce glass of chocolate milk (2%) is 6 points.

But they do have points for everything and if the item is not on the list, they have a handy little gadget for figuring the points. And if I want to give them even more money they have books with more foods and their points or I could join online (for an additional fee) and then I could type in recipies and they would tell me the points for a serving of them. Actually, they gave me a 2 week trial for online. I intend to join when I have time to type in all the recipies I usually use so I can get points on all of them while the service is free.

Anyway, I have joined… I have taken the step…. In a few weeks we will see if the diet works for me. I have a feeling I will need to cut my points back a little. I have a feeling my metabolism is slower than average. But they made a strong point that I am to eat all I am supposed to because if I drop below the points they figure for my weight, my body will go in to starvation mode and reset its metabolism. So I will try to eat all my points and see if I lose anything before I cut back. I have heard people say they are amazed by how much you can eat and they are never hungry, so maybe so…. the things they want you to avoid are creamy salad dressings, mayonaise, butter, whole milk, sour cream (the whole kind), fatty meats, sweetened ceriels, and, of course, cake, cookies, ice cream, etc. But they give you so many blasted points that I have plenty for even those things! (well not alot of those things…. which is why I may lose weight on this diet even though I am eating, I feel, more than I usually do.)

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