Late Tuesday

Reading the replies to my last few posts, I thought i should update them. My kidneys don’t hurt any more. They never did hurt that bad, but for several days now they have not hurt at all. Perhaps they recovered. Perhaps it was something else. Whatever it is, it is nice that it is past.

I faltered for a couple of days on my diet, though the only time i went over my points, i only went over by 2 and i have paid for those 2 points with exercise, so they do not count. Today, though i seem to be back in the groove, back to actually enjoying counting my points and limiting my intake.

I said when i first started this diet that it was more than enough to eat. I take that back. Sometimes i eat more and sometimes i eat less. The diet is more than enough for the days i eat less, but on the days when i want more it is limiting. There are also days when i want things i cannot have much of, but i am learning to have a little of the things i want that are higher in points. For example today i had a sandwich with 2 slices of bread and mayonnaise. It was a 10 point lunch, which is on the high side, but within reason. It was also very satisfying. One of the things they tell us at meetings is to not deny ourselves what we really want, but to learn not to go overboard. In other words i eat ice cream, i just chose the kind that is light in fat and eat less of it. I eat it with more enjoyment, actually, which surprises me.

I am hungry tonight as i write this. I am not eating late like i used to and i do get very hungry sometimes. I still have 3 points left for today. I could eat something. Don’t think i will though…….

One comment

  1. Glad to hear that the kidney thing is resolving. As you said, it is nice that it is past.

    Insert the traditional pep talk about staying with the diet here. Be cautious of going overboard at the beginning – if it works for you psychologically, you could do something like take the resolve you feel now and bank it somehow towards the possible future disillusionment stage. I don’t know – take those little gold stars and make them into dedication stickers. Something. Just a random thought.