Grail update

Just keeping everyone updated…

Had my first visit with the homeopathic nutritionist today. It was something. The shift in attitude, if nothing else … I’ve gone from no options to a thousand options.

There are a whole confusing host of supplements and amino acids and vitamens and special diets .. I am reading, trying to think critically, realistically, and also hopefully.

Stitches come out Friday. We’re all looking forward to that.

And I’m settling into this new reality. Grailing seems so healthy, so active and alert and so much himself, that at times it is hard to focus myself on this new reality. It is so tempting to simply ignore the diagnosis in the face of his reassuring normalacy. But I want to revel in his current health, not use it as an excuse to avoid a posible unpleasant future.

So. There you go.

Of course, you’ll all be posted every time Grailing sneezes, for the rest of both our natural lives … 🙂

One comment

  1. I am glad that Grailing feels good. Will you get the exrays you spoke of when he gets his stitches out or does it matter any more what kind of cancer he has?