Last Weight Watchers meeting of 2005

Well, I am still losing… not much, but considering the time of the year and the fact that i am making cookies, any loss is better than i expect.

The meeting next week has been canceled, so there are 2 weeks till my next weigh-in. I do have a goal for the new year; I am 2 pounds away from it. I think I can eat Christmas dinner and Christmas goodies and still take off 2 pounds in 2 weeks.

I discovered a mistake in my “pounds lost” last week. They had me losing, as i recall, about 3 pounds more than i have – an accumulation of small mistakes when they subtracted. If i had not found the error i would think i had reached the new year goal already.

The holidays have been hard with the Thanksgiving goodies, the fast food and eating out when shopping or too darn busy, the Christmas baking, and the fewer trips to the Y, but I still feel pretty good about it. Probably this is the first time i will have made it thru the holidays with any weight loss at all.

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