New Years Resolution

I am serious about this. I am tired of starting projects and not finishing them. That is my main resolution, to finish the projects i have started and to do the things i have promised.
I am making a list:
1. Emily’s blanket
2. C&C wedding sampler
3. My family (the Whites) photos and papers
4. Ramona’s mending
5. Christina’s satin pillowcase and jammy bottoms.
6. Dress my mice
7. Lorna’s birth sampler

The list is growing.


  1. I don’t think I wanna make a list…. but I’m going to anyway

    1) take care of Christina
    2) take care of Child
    3) double the current amount of money in savings
    4) contribute at least 500 dollars to IRA; realistic goal that would be great: 1000. idealisitic: max out the possible contribution.
    5) get rid of things I haven’t touched in 4+ months
    6) clean out my clothes; keep what I really wear and use
    7) replace my computer with something smaller (esp the monitors)

  2. by replace the computer, do you mean the whole computer or are you mosly wanting thinner monitors?

  3. I bought the computer I have now as a cheap stop-gap upgrade.

    It was enough to replace the motherboard that was quickly going south (remember the one that started leaking?), but nothing expensive. I used cheaper options where I could.

    I didn’t do that with ya’lls computer and when I sit in front of your computer, it shows.

    (technical details)
    The differences come in a few areas. Your processor is slightly faster and has at least twice as much L2 cache memory.

    Your computer has more system memory (your 2gig vs my 1 gig), but the real difference comes to play in that your computer has DDR4000 and mine is DDR2100… and your computer uses Dual Channel tech, mine doesn’t. (ie, yours accesses memory faster)

    I don’t think that using a serial IDE drive vs a parellel IDE drive is going to have that much effect, but it is another difference.

    (end technical details)

    However, I’d love to replace my monitors before I went and replaced the rest of the computer. I’m tempted to save up and replace everything all at once in… oh, about a year or so from now.