more nutritionist news

Another meeting with the nutritionist.    Spent two hours asking questions … at least I was slightly organized.  I used a LOT of her time, but I tried not to waste it.

End result, I’ve added two more supplements to the mix (one is on order), have more specific dosage instructions for all the current supplements, feel much better about all the things listed in the holistic additional literature that I’m not feeding him, and I now have a weekly schedule of food and supplements.   That will make things So Much Easier.

The new supplement is the mushroom mix.  It has 2x of Reishi mushroom, and 1x each of Shitake and Maitake mushrooms.  It also has ginsing, one of the recommended supplements that I hadn’t covered before but will be now.  The one on order is the hoxsey formula.  You can just look it up online.  It is either The Cure For Cancer or total malarky, depending on which website you visit.

At this point, if malarky worked, I’d buy it and just hope it came in a powder.   I have “Easy Sell” stamped on my forehead, and I start all my conversations with “Hello, Mr. Vet, please take my money.”

I am so happy with my vet (Dr. Munn), by the way.   He is a great, great vet and I am So Very Very Happy he took over the practice.  I am also so Very Happy  with my nutritionist (Dr. Alley), who took 2 hours with me and never made me feel rushed or like I was asking too many questions, even though it was the end of the day and there were other clients waiting (probably backed up) (my apologies to the other clients).  I should write something up and mail it to them both.

Anyway, just keeping you guys updated.   When I have my feeding schedule, I’ll e-mail it to you two (Mom & Christina).  Don’t want to challenge my long post record.    Oh, and Christina – for urinary tract issues, the key thing is hydration.  That’s the biggest reason for moist food.  You can also add water to the moist food (I do).   The vet had some vet school mnemonic for that too, which I’ve forgotten; it was something like ‘for concentration, try hydration’

The book I got from the vet library also says some of the following:

*Must add more liquid

*Vitamen C, E, and Fish Oil.   Don’t know about Vitamen C.  My Vitamen E is 400 (unit), and I’m giving him 2/week – so dosage is an issue there.  The fish oil is 1/day (of course.  It’s much more expensive).
*Carrot juice (Grailing like his) and/or tomato juice

Anyway, there’s a lot more in there but I sure don’t want to be handing out nutritional advice!!


  1. P.S.
    Don’t know if you recall from the last post, but I mentioned that I was supposed to be feeding parsley but wasn’t, and that barley grass wasn’t on my list but I had some and was feeding it to him.

    Well, the vet looked at my stuff, and told me not to bother with the parsley because the barley was doing all the same stuff, and might even be better for a cat. Whoo Hoo!!

  2. It is nice to find out that some of the things you were doing without being told are ‘the right way’ to do things. Great confidence booster.

    Christina is looking forward to the e-mail, I’m sure. 😉

    Do keep us updated; nice to have the information at our fingertips.

  3. Very interesting…. cat nutrition. All our cats will benefit, you know. Though we probably will not go all out and follow your plan exactly, i am already changing my cats diet for the better just by feeing them the much wanted canned food (with added water which they seem to like because the broth is the best part and water makes more of it). The frustrating thing is that Bruce, the male, and probably the one who mose needs additional water, is completely indifferent to canned cat food. He will walk past it on his way to the dry.

    I am looking forward to seeing the whole diet written out, and would be very interested in side comments as to why each thing is good.