messing with CSS

OK…… I want to change the color of the search button on the 8 of us message board. It is driving me crazy. I can find how to do it, but i do what the book or site says and nothing works. It is probably because this message board thing has a style sheet and everything refers to it. Maybe i am writng the right code and not linking to it right.

So if any of you have time on your hands (that’s very likely, i know) and knows how to change the color of a button using a style sheet……..??

And now i am going to try to stop being obsessed. 🙂 I have spent a good 6 hours reading and searching and trying things. Nothing works and the words are beginnig to blur together in my mind when i try to read.

One comment

  1. assuming that your board isn’t using a template that goes too far from the basics, the code that displays the search box is:
    <_form_ action="/index.php" id="searchform" method="get">
    <_input_ type="text" name="s" id="s">
    <_input_ type="submit" id="searchsubmit" value="Search">

    (note; the _ _ are put in so the html doesn’t render on the page)

    and the css is:
    #searchform {
    margin: 10px auto;
    padding: 5px 3px;
    text-align: center;

    #sidebar #searchform #s {
    width: 115px;
    padding: 2px;

    #sidebar #searchsubmit {
    padding: 1px;

    look in the file style.css for the CSS and modify as you wish