
I need a web cam mounted in my kitchen…. No, I am not serious, and yes, i am….. I do not eat around others the way i eat when i am alone. When somone can see me i do not graze. If i had a camera aimed at the kitchen and i had no way of knowing if someone was watching me, i would be less likely to go in there and wander around looking at food and less likely to go get something that i should not be getting. (It would also be an incentive to clean up after meals sooner.)

Of course, like Luke pointed out, he would not be able to wanter in there au natural to get his nightly glass of milk after his shower. We would both have to be careful about grossing out the viewing community. 🙂

I am not serious….. not about the camera. In the first place there is no place to mount it where it would only see the kitchen, and i have no desire to make any other part of my life public. In the second place, if I knew there was a camera in the kitchen, it would be easy to just stash my trash somewhere else. Making my kitchen public would not cure the problem.

But i do wish that I always ate in private the way i eat in public.

Thank you all everyone

As we all know I am one step closer to being an old man.  Of course, that title becoming official is still a ways off, but it is coming.

However, in enjoyment of my youth, everyone got together, connived, and have bought me (as of June 11th) a Nintendo DS Lite.  (the most awesome hand held system on the market today)  There is also the matter of the two games I received today:  The New Super Mario and Mario Kart DS.  Mario is a combination of all the great games with a few new additions.  I am looking forward to playing it and getting to play with the new Mario Toys.  (and it’s 2D!  back to the side scroller goodness!)  Mario Kart DS is a fun racing game.  We have Mario Kart for the Gamecube and it is the most played game we own.  I have no doubt Mario Kart DS will be just as fun.

Thank you everyone for making this an awesome birthday!

I baked a cake!

Well…it’s Chris’ birthday…and I had to. I mean birthday without cake…sad panda time. So without further ado I show off the cake and brag a little. I think it turned out quite lovely.

cake 1

cake 2Chris will get to have some when he gets home from work and…then present time!!!

The Red Line

Public Service Announcment: Stepping on glass is a bad thing

The red line noted is a guess to how much glass was in the arch of my foot last night:

Fragment of glass

Yea, I’m not walking much today. Foot hurts too much.

A secondary PSA: working from home can be a great thing

A quick thank you

Thank you to the people that have given us many great things to help us in our upcoming move and to help us with our (soon to be) new baby.  (right now it’s still under development; version is 0.8.3 or so)

Anyway, all the boxes of stuff are just waiting for that happy time when they get to be unpacked, assembled, and put to use.

Another thank you to dad for the air conditioner; it might have been a pain with leaks, but rest assured you are the source of continued marital bliss in the car.

kitty teeth

well at our trip to the vet (it’d been a couple of years due to the 3 year rabies shot) our new vet got a good look at the kitty teeth. blue has a good amount of build up, but mo had enough build up to have irritated gums (in other words gingevitis). for a 6ish year old cats with no dental care…not bad.  aside from being big boys that could stand to lose a bit of weight (we’re working on it) their report was otherwise good.
poor mo, i know i don’t like having my gums all irritated. the vet recommended that we consider having his teeth cleaned in the very near future and have blue brought in for cleaning later this year. i knew that if it was me, or chris, or crabby we’d be at the dentist getting routed, scraped, scaled, polished, etc ad nauseum. we don’t want the cats to have teeth fall or out have it get so bad that they need to be removed. so the cleaning was scheduled last week for today.

early this morning mo went to the vet…scared and annoyed with morning breath that would stun a herd of yaks. after a mild sedative and a healthy dose of anesthetic he had his very first “feline prophylaxis” complete with some antibiotic to help the gum irritation… think what they do at your teeth cleaning only on a cat (note to self…must find new human dentist in Austin).  chris and i went after work to pick him up. poor baby, he was still groggy and while happy to see us, annoyed. his teeth are much cleaner and they said everything should be fine, no need for drilling or extraction (YEA!!!).  i wonder if he’s noticed his fresher kitty breath.

blue will get his turn later this year…but for now mo is torn between sleeping it off and making us feel guilty for taking him to the evil place.