The Red Line

Public Service Announcment: Stepping on glass is a bad thing

The red line noted is a guess to how much glass was in the arch of my foot last night:

Fragment of glass

Yea, I’m not walking much today. Foot hurts too much.

A secondary PSA: working from home can be a great thing


  1. Oh?

    And I was planning on walking on glass shards tomorrow. I’m so glad you warned me.

    Perhaps we should make them print warning labels on all glass products? I’m sure that would have saved you much pain and mental suffering.

  2. It’s down to just being a cut on the foot. Almost all the bruising has gone away. Walking on it is no problem. Will be going back to the gym next week and running on it should be fine.

    Talked to friends that have some medical knowledge; they didn’t seem concerned beyond the ‘did you clean it well’ questions. Which I did. No infection either; I figure I bled enough that any infectious agents were removed naturally.