A brief tour of the new appartment

I’ve been talking about the new place a bit so I’ve taken a few pictures to make a brief tour of the new apartment.

When you first walk in the entry, there is a closet directly to your left. In front of you is a partial view of the dining room to the left and the entry to the kitchen is to the right.

House Entry

Walking forward a little and looking to the right, you see the kitchen

House Entry

A little more into the house and looking to the left you’ll look into our dining room. This is also the staging area for most unpacked boxes and where we put the fish tank. During the day this area receives the least daylight, so we won’t need to deal with strong algae blooms or other annoyances. Not in the picture (to the right of the boxes) is a set of wall inset shelves that go from the floor to the ceiling.

House Entry

Looking back on the kitchen from the living room; note that we now have the kitchen aide mixer out! It’s been in storage for the past year; we are happy to see it again

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Now we’re looking into the living room. You can’t really see it, but the bottom left of the picture is the very front of a couch that matches the single seat chairs. This room is nice and large.

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Looking back towards the kitchen from the living room; I took over a small corner to setup the computer.

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This is looking into the baby’s room. We’ve set the crib near the window so it can get light if we want. More importantly, we can look in to the crib from the door easily.

House Entry

Here’s a good shot of the changing table/drawers. The top of it folds down to make the changing table. You can also see the rocking chair that Christina’s mother brought us. It has family history to make it a special chair.

House Entry

In the bedroom we have managed to put our cat tree next to the dresser. We wanted to see how the cats would react to having the tree in the room with us instead of elsewhere in the house. So far so good

House Entry

Now, just to make sure that this post has something to derail the tour, I’ll get into a little story. Christina’s mother is visiting today. She brought up a bag of baby presents (from her, from Christina’s grandmother, and others) for us to get into. I was watching as Christina went through everything and I decided it would be a good idea to lay down on the floor. Naturally this meant I fell asleep. After an hour or so, I woke up quite quickly when Christina’s mother said “Whoa, hey! There’s a scorpion on the floor!”

That was enough to wake me up. Especially when, in the slight groggy state, I realized she was pointing at the floor about three feet from my face. I grabbed a glass and some paper, captured the scorpion, and took pictures. This is the first scorpion that Christina has ever seen, believe it or not. Since it was her first, I told her which end was to be avoided and that they don’t sting really bad; sorta like a bee does. (feel free to correct me on that if I’m off) Then I let it go outside so Christina could see how fast a scorpion can run when motivated. She was appropriately impressed with it’s speed as the poor little thing didn’t waste any time in running far far away from us. A neighbor that was outside reported that they had seen a larger one in their apartment earlier, but their dog found it before anyone else. I think the implication was the dog ate it.

House Entry

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